Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomescienceGender stereotypes are bad for your health

Gender stereotypes are bad for your health

explain it in patients First of all, social symbols associated with feminine and masculine genders influence symptom expression, relation to the body, and use of care. Among the nursing staffGender-related biases are also likely to influence interpretation of clinical signs and disease management.

The The so-called “female” or “male” diseases Seems to be a good example. Women are more likely than men to develop cardiovascular disease: 56% die compared to 46% of men.

or lMyocardial infarction is still underdiagnosed in women because it is mistakenly considered a disease of men who experience stress at work.

And women certainly suffer on average twice as much depression men only. But the main reason is not due to female hormones, as was said long ago. Research has shown that the gender difference in the prevalence of depression varies with socioeconomic background.

Other diseases related to women’s sexual and reproductive health are also not well taken into account. SoEndometrialnow recognized, has long been underdiagnosed, particularly because it refers to the taboo of menstruation. “This disease is not included in the second cycle of clinical studies until 2020”sorry to Catherine Vidal calling for a great effort to formation – composition Health professionals in gender issues.

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Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
"Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast."

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