Home entertainment Fritz Weber: Soon after being diagnosed with cancer! She is missing from the documentary about his life

Fritz Weber: Soon after being diagnosed with cancer! She is missing from the documentary about his life

Fritz Weber: Soon after being diagnosed with cancer!  She is missing from the documentary about his life

Shortly after he was diagnosed with cancer, his wife made a documentary about Fritz Weber.
Photo: dpa

First the cancer diagnosis, then the next shock: In March 2021, I had to do it Fritz Weber After an emergency operation initially to the intensive care unit. Since then, the actor has struggled his way back to life. His 80th birthday is now approaching, and his wife, Susan Kellerman, has a very special gift for him: a documentary about the life of the “For Heaven’s Sake” star.

Fritz Weber after being diagnosed with cancer: The wife is making a documentary about his life

On August 16, 2021, BR TV will broadcast the documentary “My Fritz – A Personal Look at Fritz Wepper” at 10pm. When the actor received his diagnosis of severe cancer in the spring of 2020, Susan Kellerman began accompanying his daily life and work while filming the latest episode of “Mother of Heimles Willen.” “We didn’t know how much time we had left,” Kellerman tells Bild.

“Do not claim completeness!” This woman is missing from the documentary Wepper

The director looks at her husband Fritz Weber in a very personal photo. The actor talks about his childhood, parallel shootings of “Cabaret” and “Der Kommissar” and how he dealt with the last things in life. “The film does not claim to be complete with his life and work,” Kellermann says up front. She and the actor visited places that were important to him and met people who had been very close to him for the past 15 years. Sophie Weber, daughter of Fritz Weber, should not be seen in the documentary according to the “Photo” information.

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Read also: Cancer shock and emergency surgery! How is the “For Heaven’s Sake” star doing now?

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