Home entertainment Everything is different in the ZDF TV garden – a big surprise in Lerchenberg

Everything is different in the ZDF TV garden – a big surprise in Lerchenberg

Everything is different in the ZDF TV garden – a big surprise in Lerchenberg

At the beginning of June, life will return to the ZDF TV park in Lerchenberg, Mainz.

Mainz – This news should please some fans of the TV park: starting June 6, spectators will be accepted again at Lerchenberg in Mainz!

Andrea Kewell (55) will soon be able to welcome guests again (File Photo).

Andrea Kewell (55) will soon be able to welcome guests again (File Photo). © Ralph Orlowski / ZDF / dpa

Lots of blank classes, cartoon shows, and ZDF employees in the audience are a thing of the past.

In the live performance, a limited number of viewers will be able to support Presenter Andrea Kewell (55) and her guests with applause.

After a short time, the apparently coveted tickets were sold out for June 6 and 13. The exact number of tickets reported has not been reported.

Strict security measures are in place for the outdoor TV park. An official aura test is required, which must be no more than 24 hours old.

Exceptions apply to those who have fully recovered or who have been vaccinated. However, these require corresponding proof in order to be accepted into the territory of the TV Park.

In addition, it is necessary to wear a mask at the entrance and in the Lerchenberg. However, the mask can be removed from the seat.

The theme of the first TV park with an audience this season: Sweden! Baking is done in conjunction with the Swedish national holiday and Swedish cheerleader and comedian Lutz van der Horst (45) is welcomed as guest.

Starting June 7, according to ZDF, additional tickets for upcoming TV Garden releases will be available in the Ticket Store.

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