Home Top News Eindrocht rejects Frankfurt: Eindhoven coach Roger Schmidt wants to stay with PSV

Eindrocht rejects Frankfurt: Eindhoven coach Roger Schmidt wants to stay with PSV

Eindrocht rejects Frankfurt: Eindhoven coach Roger Schmidt wants to stay with PSV

The list of potential coaches at Eintrach Frankfurt can be summed up by one name: Roger Schmidt, who has been trading repeatedly with the Hessians, will not switch to the SGE, as he did on Sunday. Sky90 Confirmed. Although he is friends with the new Frankfurt sports director Marcus Cruz, he wants to stay with PSV Eindhoven: “We played together at Baderborn, he was my captain when he was coach at Baderborn, and of course get to know each other better. But this It’s not possible at the moment, because I have no choice.


“Last year I made a conscious decision to go abroad,” Schmidt explained the reasons for staying in Eindhoven. “The first year is always difficult, you prepare a lot,” the coach said. But now he wants to build the foundation he has laid: “I have never seen PSV Eindhoven with fans. We have a chance to qualify for the Champions League. A season with the Champions League is always a great season. That’s why I have so much fun there too, looking forward to next year.” Was with PSV, with former national player Mario Coates also on contract, behind Ajax Amsterdam runner-up on ERTVC.

With Schmidt, Eintrach sports director Gresh is now getting the second rejection of the rumored candidate after Adi Hutter, who is heading to Coldback. Most recently, current PVP coach Edin Dersik, who is set to return to Dortmund as an assistant coach for the new season, was reportedly canceled in Frankfurt.

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