For the second time in a weekend, the devastating insurgency caused a traffic stop in Dortmund. At lunchtime on Sunday, climate activists caused a long traffic jam in the direction of Dortmund, with a spontaneous, unannounced demonstration on P1.
From 12 noon, P1I activists blocked Unna’s direction at the level of the Voscule underground station. About 60 to 90 protesters quietly blocked the street. With banners and texts they like to express the demand for traffic change.
Traffic is diverted to the city
The police are on the site and in the afternoon, climate activists asked the street and continue to demonstrate the pavement. According to police, the protesters were not yet ready to comply with the request by 3pm. The official leader of the protest has not yet been named.
However, travelers into the city on the P1 should expect longer traffic jams. Police have now begun diverting traffic from B1 to B236 in the direction of Dortmund. There is also a structure on the side streets, Voskuhel is now closed. According to the police, the traffic in the direction of Unna continues normally.
At this point we will continue to report and stay live on the site via stream: