Home entertainment Danger from drones: the light show “Breaking Waves” in Hamburg has been canceled NDR.de – Culture

Danger from drones: the light show “Breaking Waves” in Hamburg has been canceled NDR.de – Culture

Danger from drones: the light show “Breaking Waves” in Hamburg has been canceled NDR.de – Culture

As of: 04/29/2022 8:54 PM

The light show “Breaking Waves” should be a highlight of the International Music Festival in Hamburg. Friday’s performances in front of the Elbphilharmonie were canceled for security reasons.

Artist duo Drift's luminous drones fly in formation "break the waves" Over the Elbe in front of the Elbphilharmonie as part of the opening of the Hamburg Music Festival.  © Georg Wendt / dpa +++ dpa picture radio +++ Photo: Georg Wendt

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The decision was taken in coordination with the aviation security authorities in Hamburg and Lower Saxony. The security situation was reassessed and the light fixtures were finally scrapped. She added that in the rehearsal of the show and at the premiere on Thursday, the technical effectiveness was greatly disrupted by high-speed foreign aircraft. Several collisions occurred, and as a result, many drones crashed.

Culture Senator Carsten Prosda: “The Assault on Freedom of Art”

The Hanseatic city of Hamburg’s cultural senator, Carsten Prosda (SPD), was appalled by drone attacks on kinetic artwork: Targeted disturbances of art installation by studio DRIFT will not only prevent thousands from experiencing “breaking waves,” Prosda noted on Twitter, “a light show. “. “This is clearly also an attack on the freedom of art that an open society cannot accept.”

Unidentified drone pilots disrupt the ‘Breaking Waves’ light show

According to information from the aviation security authorities, air traffic disturbances of such severity and aggression have never occurred in Germany. This requires a reassessment of the security situation.

Since it cannot be ruled out that such crimes by unidentified drone pilots could occur again on Friday and in the following days, the continuation of “Breaking Waves” is not responsible for protecting viewers and staff, according to a press release.

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Officials at Elbphilharmonie and artists from DRIFT are saddened and frustrated that they have to cancel the iteration of the light installation, which already delighted thousands of viewers at the premiere.

Elphi’s “The Creation” live broadcast on NDR.de from 8 pm

Regardless, other concerts will continue as part of the International Music Festival. The second presentation of Joseph Haydn’s “Creation” speech is broadcast live on NDR.de. Alan Gilbert conducts the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra.

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Concert scene: Alan Gilbert, NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester and NDR Vokalensemble open the 2022 Hamburg International Music Festival together © Elbphilharmonie Photo: Daniel Dittus

Alan Gilbert and the NDR Elbphilharmonie orchestra opened the Hamburg International Music Festival with Haydn’s Creation. Live video

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Artist duo Drift's luminous drones fly in formation "break the waves" Over the Elbe in front of the Elbphilharmonie as part of the opening of the Hamburg Music Festival.  © Georg Wendt / dpa +++ dpa picture radio +++ Photo: Georg Wendt

On Thursday, the drift artist duo immersed Elphi in a play of light waves. Now all follow-up dates for “Breaking Waves” have been cancelled. more

Light installation at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg © copyright moka-studio 2021

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