Everything starts from this petition addressed to the European Medicines Agency on December 1, 2020. The authors are two doctors known for their anti-vaccine statements: Dr. Mike Yidon, who until 2011 was a Pfizer official and Dr. Wolfgang Woodarge, who is a German epidemiologist . They declared that “the antibodies produced by the Covid vaccine can render women infertile by attacking the protein necessary for the formation of the placenta.” An assertion widely shared on social networks, which was also around the world.
So, to see if there’s any truth to it, we called Israel Nesand, MD, a professor of gynecology. “That’s impossible,” he said. “We don’t know of any product that can make it sterile in one injection.” And Israel Nesand is not the only doctor so assertive. At this point, there is no firm link between the vaccine on the one hand and infertility cases on the other. Then, because the authors of this petition started from a rather dangerous assumption.
Remember, the mRNA vaccine attacks Covid by targeting the spike protein. After that, experts are also categorical about one thing. On the one hand, the two doctors suggest that the vaccine could mistakenly attack these fertility-related proteins. In fact, it is an acronym that was created and not a scientific thing. While the two proteins appear to be the same, they are not the same. And Professor Benoit Barbeau, a virologist, explains it in a very simple way that “our immune system will not be easily fooled by some of the similarities.” Vaccinated women are not at greater risk of infertility than others.