Carrie Lake pushes against media and awareness

Carrie Lake pushes against media and awareness

DrDream City is a major evangelical church in Phoenix, Arizona. The pastor made the Great Hall available to Republicans on Monday evening. And all the candidates for Congressional elections on November 8 You have come – to an event which turns out not so much an elective gathering as an esoteric meeting of a sect.

Majid Sattar

Washington-based North American political correspondent.

While a country rock band plays, veterans in uniform gather on stage and pause in the military salute. A huge American flag was raised and passed to the public. As an old man holds the flag, tears roll down his cheeks. On stage, a performer is seen waving two brushes and painting a canvas during the dance. The stars of the American flag can be quickly identified, followed by the golden shape later Donald Trump. Then Lake Curry climbs onto the platform. She is the evening star. “Carrie we love you” shouted many of the audience’s followers. The Republican candidate for governor bows her head and smiles.

All eyes are on the lake

In fact, Americans looked at this election year ArizonaBecause the Senate campaign there will also decide control of the second chamber and thus the future balance of power in Washington. But the competition between incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly and rival Blake Masters has subsided. All eyes are on Lake and the gubernatorial elections taking place at the same time.

Lake has overtaken her Democratic rival, current Secretary of the Interior Katie Hobbs, in the polls. A former television journalist who grew up in Iowa is a junior politician. However, she is using her Arizona fame and presenting herself as a female version of Trump. Now she has it Campaign Considering a new dynamic: Ultimately, the entire party could benefit from their race to catch up, including Senate candidate Masters, who has had a rough time thus far.

Trump loves winners: Lake cannot be ruled out as a vice presidential candidate in 2024.

Trump loves winners: Lake cannot be ruled out as a vice presidential candidate in 2024.

Photo: AFP

To understand it, you need to know what has happened in the governors in Arizona over the past two years. The southwest state has long been a Republican stronghold. 2020 can Joe Biden A narrow margin here, which of course Trump didn’t accept. There has been strong opposition within the party to Republican Governor Doug Ducey, who has opposed Trump’s attempts to turn the election results in his favour. At that time, the party was in danger of splintering. Arizona has become, so to speak, the “ground zero” of the conflict between Trumpists and traditionalists.

In August, primaries were held within the party, and among other things, candidates for the Senate and Governor elections were selected. It turns out that the Trumpists have clearly won this battle. Nor can so many “America First” candidates prevail in another “swing country.” In addition to Lake and Masters, a member of the far-right Oath Guard militia, the leader of the Capitol Storm gang, was nominated for the position of Secretary of the Interior.


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