Burn more calories with these 4 tips

Burn more calories with these 4 tips

This is how you burn more calories during exercise

1. Don’t take long breaks

To get the most out of your workout, you should heed the following tip: the more calories you want to burn, the higher your heart rate. In practical terms, this means: give it your all while training, don’t plan for too long intervals between individual exercises and don’t allow yourself too much time to catch your breath.

Important: Always listen to your body’s signals. If you feel dizzy or nauseous during exercise, you should reduce exercise intensity urgently.

2. Dependence on the afterburn effect

Have you ever heard of the so-called afterburn effect? This indicates that you burn more calories even after your workout, an estimated 10 percent of your total caloric expenditure. The more intense the training session, the greater the afterburn effect. Strength training, especially high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which raises your heart rate and burns calories, provides the greatest afterburn effect.

3. Build muscle

Muscle is not only beautiful to look at, but it also boosts your core intake – because muscle needs energy and that, in turn, burns calories. In order for your muscles to grow, you must focus primarily on weight training. However, the right diet and adequate regeneration are also essential to building your muscles.

>> You can find more tips on building muscle in our article “How to Train Successfully: 6 Tips for Building Muscle”

4. Use large muscle groups

Another tip when it comes to building muscle: To increase your calorie expenditure, focus on the larger muscle groups in your workout. They can be perfectly trained, for example, with exercises such as squats, deadlifts, pull-ups or overhead presses.

Myth or Fact: Does Fasting Burn More Fat?

For our bodies to be efficient, they need energy. He can undo various memories. The first is the phosphate store, which is consumed within a few seconds. Then it uses the store of glycogen, that is, carbohydrates. If this is also empty, keep track of your fat and protein stores. So what happens if we exercise on an empty stomach in the morning? Our carbohydrate storage is empty and our body is drawing energy from fat reserves. The result: Fat metabolism is properly boosted, which can promote weight loss. But: if you eat more calories than you can burn during the day, training on an empty stomach won’t help either. Additionally, due to your glycogen stores being empty, you cannot summon the maximum performance you need for effective strength training.


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