6 places you should definitely clean after a cold

6 places you should definitely clean after a cold

You should clean these 6 surfaces after getting sick

1. Remote control

When you were sick, did you spend a lot of time on the couch and in front of the TV? Totally understandable, because when are you still taking the time to relax and let the program pass you by. When cleaning, the remote control should not be neglected and cleaned quickly with a little disinfectant spray or a sanitary cloth.

2. Door handles and light switches

We use doorknobs and light switches every day and often overlook them when cleaning. Anyone who’s caught a cold can take this opportunity to thoroughly clean these surfaces and even clean keys you may have rarely used. Ideally, a disinfectant wipe should also be used for this.

3. Toothbrush

Even when we catch a cold, we brush our teeth every day. If you use a manual toothbrush, dispose of it afterwards. If you use an electric toothbrush to brush your teeth, you should change the attachment. In addition to toothbrushes, it is also a good idea to rinse and clean your toothbrush cup properly after a cold.

4. Trash

After throwing away tons of old tissue, you might want to turn your attention to the trash can itself, which is a breeding ground for germs and viruses that get cleaned out on a regular basis, but especially after a cold.

5. Toilet

A cold is always associated with the escape of bodily fluids that contain viruses and pathogens. You should therefore clean the bathroom thoroughly after surviving the illness – especially all toilet surfaces. Don’t forget to also put any used towels into the washing machine.

6. Smartphone

We rarely clean our cell phones anyway. Viruses and bacteria also gather there – especially if the smartphone is already a few years old and has only one or two scratches. Especially after a cold, when you are on your cell phone more than usual, you should clean it with a soft microfiber cloth and some soapy water. Make sure to turn it off first!


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