Home Top News Belarus: Russia rejects European Airlines flights to Moscow

Belarus: Russia rejects European Airlines flights to Moscow

Belarus: Russia rejects European Airlines flights to Moscow

This action may be an indication Russia Get ranked. And for Lufthansa Affiliation Austrian Airlines He has a scheduled flight from Thursday Vienna distance Moscow Cancellation because the Russian authorities did not cooperate.

On the recommendation of the European Union Aviation Security Agency (EASA), I will have the machine You should fly around BelarusN, Austrian Airlines announced.

The itinerary must be changed by the authorities. “The Russian authorities have not granted us this permit,” the airline said. So the flight had to be canceled. Russian aviation authorities declined to comment.

Moscow has taken similar measures against Air France. The French airline has so far had at least four scheduled flights from Paris A strike in the Russian capital. A spokesman for the company stated that the reason for the failure was “a new permit necessary from the Russian authorities to penetrate their airspace.” A representative of the French aviation authority DGAC described the Russian approach as a “diplomatic issue at the ministerial level”.

However, other airlines have so far managed to operate their flights to Moscow and other Russian cities. This applies, among other things, to Lufthansa, to which Austrian Airlines belongs, and to KLM, which forms an umbrella with Air France.

The European Union Airlines urged Belarus Avoid their airspace. The Belarusian military previously forced Ryanair to land in Minsk on Sunday. Among the passengers was the arrested journalist and regime critic Roman Protasiewicz.

Clear words from the German Foreign Minister

Meanwhile, the tone of the conflict intensifies. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Mas I gave the Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko With It threatened clear reactions from the European Union. Maas said at an informal meeting of the European Union’s foreign ministers Lisbon.

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Lukashenko’s behavior is so “totally unacceptable” that the European Union will not be content with minor penalties. Instead, the goal is “we want to impose sanctions on the economic structure and payment transactions in Belarus that have an impact as well”.

As a first step, Mas Lukashenko called for the immediate release of more than 400 political prisoners in Belarus. The Social Democratic politician emphasized that the time when the European Union was ready for dialogue was now over. It is also important to talk to Russia about Belarus. “Everyone knows that without Russia … Lukashenko will not have a future in Belarus.”


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