Home Top News Beginning: SC Freiburg beat St. Pauli at Europa-Park Stadium – Football

Beginning: SC Freiburg beat St. Pauli at Europa-Park Stadium – Football

Beginning: SC Freiburg beat St. Pauli at Europa-Park Stadium – Football

With a Test win over FC St Paul’s, SC Freiburg opens its new Europa-Park ground. The 3-0 win, in particular, provided wonderful moments for Vincenzo Griffo.

Happy Faces on the Lawn and Stands: SC Freiburg has successfully opened its new home ground. At the start of Europa-Park Stadium, coach Christian Streich’s team defeated FC St Paul’s 3-0 (2-0) in Nerset. 15,000 spectators celebrated their team on an atmospheric evening in Freiburg.

A good atmosphere was ensured before the kick-off, with a large concert with music and art performances bringing a celebratory potential to the Sports Club’s new home. Sports highlights should not be too long to come.

Vincenzo Griffo does the magic

The first goal came in the 17th minute at Europa-Park Stadium. Christian Gunder served for Vincenzo Griffo, who hit the right corner of the goal with a fantastic flick from the edge of the box. In Freiburg’s view, the best first goal could not have been. Half an hour later, the Italian national player’s next big appearance followed: Griffo told the guests’ defense to dance and made the game 2-0 (29th).

Floodlight failure after one hour

The SC players provided highlights on the lawn, and suddenly darkness fell in the 65th minute. The floodlights in the stadium left the monster for a while, but it shouldn’t cause a mood drop. On the contrary. The game had to be interrupted for more than a minute, but things continued to be lively on the stands. Fans agreed to the song “I’m Going With My Lamp”, which included “The Light Turns Off, We Go Home”, Rabimmel, Rabbammel, Rabumm.

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Floodlight failure at Europa-Park Grounds in Freiburg

In the 65th minute, the floodlights at Europa-Park Stadium were briefly turned off

Image Alliance / dpa | Tom Weller

No one went home, however, the lights were on again and visitors were able to see some of the best views in the square. Including a 3-0 goal by youngster Nishan Burkard, who led the final score. The fact that the ball was on the cross of Maximilian Esteen outside the goal was not of any interest that evening.


Fireworks at the new Europa-Park Grounds in Freiburg

The word “unusual” was often used after SC Freiburg’s first game at the new Europa-Park Stadium. This is how the players and fans behaved to open the new home ground.
Further …

Lots of familiar faces in the arena

For 67 years, SC played at Treesam Stadium, for which the Freiburg Bundesliga girls are now about to go. At the first appearance of the sports club at its new home of 15,000, there were some prominent faces – former Freiburg successful coach Volker Finke, former professionals Jens Todd and Richard Coles, former DFB and Freiburg president Fritz Keller and former national coach Bertie Vogts. Their first league game will be played against RB Leipzig on October 16 at the new stadium, which has nearly 35,000 spectators.


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