Are organic oats healthier?

Are organic oats healthier?

Öko-Test: How Good Is Organic Oatmeal?

But does that also apply to grains – more specifically to our favorite oats and oatmeal? In order to be able to answer this question more accurately, we look at the results of the Öko test. The consumer magazine closely examined several microchips and reported on them in the October 2022 issue. According to Öko-Test, some of the products examined were Mold and toxic glyphosate spray have found. Has this also affected organic products? Of the 29 brands tested, 16 were certified organic and received “very good” or “good” scores across the board. Only Bio Gourmet brand chips achieved “satisfactory”. The four losers, who received a score of 6 on the test, were all from non-organic products.

Molds found in oatmeal

Even if organic products perform well in terms of pesticide contamination, traces of mold have been found in almost all oatmeal. Good to know: According to Öko-Test, the load of mold toxins in almost all products is not very dangerous. It is assumed that mold is already spreading in the oats in the field.

Use organic oatmeal? Our conclusion:

Öko test results show that the majority of oat flakes can be satisfied with their quality and that you can use oat flakes from both organic and conventional farming. To keep pesticide exposure to a minimum, organic oatmeal is a better choice. However, organic chips are slightly more expensive than conventional chips.


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