Home Economy Apple’s Eve Jobs celebrates a champagne party in Hamburg

Apple’s Eve Jobs celebrates a champagne party in Hamburg

Apple’s Eve Jobs celebrates a champagne party in Hamburg

The Paris Panthers won the team classification for the Hamburg stage of the World Champions Tour. In the middle is Eve Jobs, the youngest daughter of Apple founder Steve Jobs (56). I celebrated a wild champagne party on the court at the Klein Flottbek.

At 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, champagne bottle stoppers appeared at Klein Flottbek. For the winning team, there was a traditional wet shower with sparkling water. Eve Jobs obviously enjoyed doing this. Together with Nayel Nassar, she competed in Hamburg for the Paris Panthers. With five fouls after two runs, the duo were on top and took the win. By the way, Nayal Nassar is the fiancée of jockey Jennifer Gates, and thus the son-in-law of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Wolff, president of the tournament, is considering a merger of Apple and Microsoft

“This could be the beginning of the merger between Apple and Microsoft,” event head Volker Wolf said of the winning team with Jobs and Gates’ future son-in-law. In addition, Wolf asserted that in Klein Flottbeck this was also evidence that the bias that high-profile girls have a lot of money and then buy good horses in return is not true. The victory in the team classification showed that you have to be able to ride very well.

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The Paris Panthers showed it on Saturday at Klein Flottbek, regardless of Apple and Microsoft connection. And not only won the prize money of 20,597 euros, but also the subsequent champagne party.

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