Home Top News American doctor Larry Nasser: Millions of victims of gymnastics abuse scandal

American doctor Larry Nasser: Millions of victims of gymnastics abuse scandal

American doctor Larry Nasser: Millions of victims of gymnastics abuse scandal

Hundreds of victims of the abuse of former gymnast Larry Nasser have been awarded $ 380 million. Nasser was convicted in 2017 of assaulting a minor.

Former U.S. gymnast Larry Nasser has been charged with felony criminal mischief for allegedly trying to seduce a minor.

Several American media outlets have reported that the American Gymnastics Federation, the National Olympic and Paralympic Committee on the one hand, and the victims on the other, were decided by an Indianapolis court on Monday in a multi-year legal battle. This amount covers the claims of “hundreds of women,” wrote ESPN, including Olympic champions Simone Byles, Alexandra Riceman and McClellan Maroni.

From the summer of 2017, Nasser was sentenced to 175 years in prison, with a total of three sentences, including crimes against minors. At trial he pleaded guilty to sexually abusing several girls. In all, hundreds of gymnasts and their parents sued him.

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Guardian report

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