He plans to break the law. A GP from Le Mans (Sarth) wants to impose a health clearance on his patients.
“I’m done with pedagogy. I’m tired. My medical practice is certainly a private institution, but it receives the public. I no longer want to jeopardize the health of my patients or the health of my patients,” explains the man, who prefers to remain anonymous, for West of France.
From September 1, before each consultation, patients must present a certificate of vaccination or “PCR test less than 24 hours excluding holidays or business days, or less than 72 hours on weekends.”
The risk of being penalized
However, medical practices are not affected by the duty of health clearance, unlike nursing homes, medical and social institutions, and hospitals (except for medical emergencies).
Thus, the 55-year-old practitioner is subject to penalties. “It is out of the question for a doctor to ask for a health permit to receive a patient,” Frank Dominique Bruel, president of the Sarthe Medical Association, warns in an interview with West France. According to the regional newspaper, if the doctor puts his declaration into action, he could be the subject of a complaint to the regional disciplinary chamber of the Medical Syndicate of Nantes (Loire Atlantic). Then he would risk being reprimanded or even banned from practicing.