UEFA President Aleksandar Ceferin has spoken in favor of introducing a final tournament for the top four teams in the UEFA Champions League. “That could be amazing.” The 53-year-old UEFA president said in the French sports newspaper L’Equipe on Saturday that it is income efficient, if done correctly. Something after “.
Unlike the previous situation with the semi-finals with the first and second games, the fourth final could be held in one place in the 2024/25 season. Of the benefits, Ceferin said, this could be a “great event” with a week of football. However, the clubs would then lose their home matches and fewer matches would mean fewer television broadcasts. There is no “urgency”, Ceferin said, regarding a possible decision. A decision can also be made within a year.
UEFA president Ceferin in the last four championships in the UEFA Champions League
UEFA recently decided to reform the UEFA Champions League from 2024. Then 36 teams instead of 32 will participate in the preliminary round, and there will be a total of 100 more matches.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the previous first-grade season ended with a quarter-finals tournament in Lisbon. Ceferin said the one-year postponement of the European Championship had cost the European Union between 100 and 200 million euros.
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In the interview, the Slovenian was confident that a luxury tax system based on the model of American sport in European football could be introduced. Think about it “very seriously,” Ceferin said. In many US professional leagues, such as the NBA, an additional fine is required for every dollar spent on salaries above a certain threshold. (Dpa / pia)