Oops, something went wrong again! It has already officially happened in the 16th season InstagramSome failures on the side of Germany’s next best model. So one or the other time the show’s outings were spoiled – indirectly or directly. Of course the posts have not been online for a long time. Exactly something like this happened in the middle of the final!

Solin Omar was kicked out of the show a few minutes ago. Heidi Klum (47) picked third place for the native Syrian. Romina Palm (21) was previously in fourth place. Exit, however Seoul Published, rather than written by Alex Maria Peter. “This is not enough for Alex. Your journey ‘Germany’s next top model‘Done’It said there. Above it was written Alex’s picture “Third Place”.

Did this fail as a sign that Alex would not win the show? Above all, such posts should definitely be prepared. Will it really be if Alex wins? Must see it.

Alex Maria Peter, model

Instagram / alexmariahpeter

Alex Maria Peter, model
Alex Maria, GNTM-Candidate 2021

Instagram / alexmariahpeter

Alex Maria, GNTM-Candidate 2021
Model Alex Maria Peter

Instagram / alex_mariah.gntm.2021

Model Alex Maria Peter
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Eric Daniel
"Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Music specialist. Twitter nerd."


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