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iPhone: Andreas Abtz

Does wearing tight bras promote breast cancer?  This is a myth.
Does wearing tight bras promote breast cancer? This is a myth. © Friso Gentsch / dpa

There are many myths and theories about cancer. But only a few of them are true. The most common rumors in “News Verification”.

Castle – When it comes to illness, many people prefer the Internet to a visit to the doctor. Search engines provide thousands of visits, only a few of them provide correct information and none of them can replace a professional medical opinion. The line between nonsense and reality is often blurred, and rumors and crazy theories abound. Same thing with cancer.

Cancer symptoms are not always obvious. According to their internet research, those affected are usually more insecure than before. To enable you to distinguish between madness and information in the future, the information service of the German Center for Cancer Research has examined and discredited the most common myths related to cancer. All you need to know about the disease at a glance.

The Cancer Myth: Abortion: Does Abortion Increase Breast Cancer Risk?

Breast cancer is one of those The most common cancers in women. There is a rumor on the Internet that miscarriage increases the risk of breast cancer. It is alleged that the basis for this assumption were scientifically based studies from the USA. However, the thesis that abortion leads to a higher risk of breast cancer has not been supported by the data presented. It is even questionable whether breast cancer and miscarriage are related in any way.

But how did this myth arise in the first place? In the United States, the debate over abortions rages over and over again. The German Center for Cancer Research believes that it is possible that anti-abortionists wanted to use the study for their own purposes and started the rumors to support the abortion protests.

Cancer Myth: Should Women Avoid Bras?

In addition to miscarriages, wearing bras that are too tight is often claimed to increase the risk of breast cancer. The reason for this is said to be an inactivation of the lymphatic system, which would prevent the washing out of metabolic waste products. However, there is no scientific source or study on the myth.

Avoid breast cancer

In order to prevent breast cancer, the Gynecological Oncology Working Group recommends adequate exercise, about 3 to 5 hours of brisk walking per week. Avoiding alcohol and smoking also helps. Hormone replacement therapy should be avoided. In addition, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, fiber and little fat and meat.

Experts hypothesize that women who are at a genetic risk of developing breast cancer can also reduce their overall personal risk by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

So experts agree: Wearing a bra does not affect the risk of breast cancer, regardless of whether it’s too tight or fits well, with or without an underwire. A study by the American Cancer Society Cancer epidemiology, vital signs and prevention Confirmed that there is no connection.

Wrong Cancer Diet: Some Foods Cause Cancer

Nutrition is more important in the world than ever before. In addition to recommendations for losing weight or building muscle, there is also a long blacklist of foods that are said to increase the risk of cancer. One thing should be clear: There is no such thing as a cancer diet. Instead, there is general malnutrition. It includes, among others:

  • High alcohol consumption
  • Lots of red meat
  • Lots of processed meat
  • little veggies
  • little fruit

According to the Helmholtz Society’s Cancer Information Service, it’s usually not about food ingredients. Instead, the focus will be on ‘over, fat, and too sweet’. However, the discussion about contaminants that can enter food through industrial processes remains important. Although consumers cannot be completely sure, the quality of food in Germany is very high and is monitored by a nationwide food watch.

In principle, the German Center for Cancer Research recommends never allowing yourself to be pressured by well-intentioned but unjustified diet warnings. Illness can be a reason to reconsider your diet, but it is not recommended to overburden yourself – especially if your appetite is already suffering from illness or treatment. The Cancer Initiative “Decade Against Cancer” developed a nine-point plan for healthy eating, To help fight cancer.

Cancer myth prevention: Do birth control pills and sterilization trigger cancer?

Birth control pills have a powerful effect on a woman’s hormonal balance. It comes with a long list of side effects. But is this also linked to an increased risk of cancer? The answer is double-edged. According to the German Cancer Society, taking the birth control pill slightly increases the risk of breast cancer, but not the risk of dying from breast cancer. On the other hand, the contraceptive pill will significantly reduce the risk of ovarian or endometrial cancer. Stiftung Warentest has examined and tested various contraceptives – including the pill: Noor Half of all products are recommended.

It has long been suspected that sterilization increases the risk of cancer. For women, it’s clear: the link between ruptured fallopian tubes and cancer has yet to be proven. For men, on the other hand, it’s more complicated. While tubal tubes do not increase the likelihood of testicular cancer, there are studies that indicate a possible risk of prostate cancer. According to the German Center for Cancer Research, the majority of doctors and experts are of the opinion that vasectomy is safe.

The Cosmetic Cancer Myth: Are cosmetics and deodorants a carcinogen?

Beauty products have been the subject of criticism for some time. Consumer centers such as Öko-Test always finds carcinogens in toiletries. But are pollutants present in sufficient quantities to be considered a risk factor? Ingredients that are assumed to be dangerous are often called parabens, which are used as preservatives. There is a rumor that substances can be deposited in fatty tissue. This can cause breast cancer in women.

It is clear that the chemical group can have a hormone-like effect. However, so far this has only been proven by animal experiments and only with very high doses of parabens. Whether preservatives increase the risk of breast cancer in humans is not entirely clear yet. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) assumes that parabens cannot be easily replaced in all beauty products. Substitute products will significantly increase the risk of allergy to consumers. Without preservatives, protection from germs and dangerous pathogens is no longer guaranteed in many care products. (aa)

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