Australia: Tunnel of about 200 stranded whales

Australia: Tunnel of about 200 stranded whales

Status: 09/22/2022 09:25 AM

Of the nearly 230 whales stranded in the Australian state of Tasmania, only 35 have survived so far. The helpers continue to try to take care of the marine mammals. One researcher says the chances of survival are slim.

Of the pilot whales stranded in Australia, only about 35 have survived so far. Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Services Director Brendon Clark said. About 230 animals were stranded on the west coast of the Australian state of Tasmania on Wednesday.

The violent surfing had an effect on the animals. Heavy equipment and boat rescue work must continue today. Clark said the main focus now is saving and releasing the remaining animals. The surviving whales will be moved several hundred meters into the sea.

dangerous channel

Helpers should moisten the bodies of marine mammals with buckets of water and wet towels. ABC talked about a “race against time.” Clark said five other animals died that night alone.

Whales are stranded in Port Macquarie which has very shallow water. The channel is dangerous. And in the same port, 470 pilot whales were stranded in 2020. Only 111 animals were rescued at that time.

Whale Seeker: Low Probability of Survival

“Unfortunately, the prospect of pilot whales surviving is slim,” said whale researcher Olaf Minnicki of Griffith University in Queensland. Even if the surviving whales are taken out to the open sea, many may try to get back to their stranded friends and family.

According to Minnicki, pilot whales, also known as pilot whales, form very close bonds with each other. So the stress is too great for the animals. “Some animals will succeed, but most will die.”

The last 14 sperm whales are stranded

On Monday, 14 male sperm whales died on a remote beach on King Island. The island is also part of Tasmania. Researchers are now looking for the cause. Biologist Chris Carleon of the government’s conservation agency told the local Mercury newspaper that the animals may have been surprised by the low tide while foraging near the coast.

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Hannibal Mcgee
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