– News – Scientists say that eating an avocado a week is good for the heart

Avocado is synonymous with a healthy diet. A study conducted over a period of more than 30 years showed that the Mexican fruit is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eating two servings of avocado, or a whole fruit, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is the conclusion of the most important prospective study conducted on the benefits of star fruit for the so-called healthy or healthy diet. Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, with support from the American Heart Association, have followed more than 100,000 healthcare professionals for 30 years. Over the years, they have recorded 9,185 coronary diseases and 5,290 heart attacks. These data were compared with their dietary area, including avocado consumption, and assessed by a food questionnaire every four years. Benefits were seen in participants who took it once or more per week.

Avocado consumption may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. © Pixel-Shot, Adobe Stock

Avocados linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists have estimated that people who eat two servings of avocado per week, respectively, have a 16% and 21% lower risk of developing cardiovascular or coronary artery disease, compared to people who eat little or no avocado.

In contrast, no beneficial association with heart attacks was observed. According to the computer model of scientists, replacing half a serving of margarine, butter, eggs or meat with the same amount of avocado also has a beneficial effect; A 16 to 22% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease. This observational study cannot prove a causal relationship between avocado consumption and cardiovascular disease reduction, but only an association.

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Avocados are high in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, and other components that have been linked to good cardiovascular health. In recent years, global demand for avocados has increased. Popularity has its dark side, especially environmental, as avocados are imported from countries far from Europe or grown in arid regions where they need an astronomical amount of water to grow.

Julie Kern
Futura Sciences/MCP, via

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