ARD: Karen Miusga or Marietta Slomka? Unfortunate name with “Tagesthemen” – TV

  ARD: Karen Miusga or Marietta Slomka?  Unfortunate name with

The unpleasant situation with “Tagegestin” in ARD.

On Monday evening, a prominent interlocutor made an embarrassing mistake: the former German ambassador to Washington and London Wolfgang Ischinger (75 years old) addressed the mediator Karen Miusga (52) under the wrong name!

In the thematic segment on Russia’s aggressive foreign policy, she moderated the interviewer, mentioning his diplomatic experience and finally welcoming him with the words: “Good evening, Mr. Ischinger.”

But he returned: “Good evening, Mrs. Slomka.”

Excuse me, former ambassador!

“Tagesthemen” presenter Miosga paused due to mingling with ZDF woman Marietta Slomka (52) – corrected: “My name is Miosga. Hello Mr. Ischinger, adds with a smile: “Don’t do that.”

You can hear a slight grumble from Ischinger, and Miosga is smiling again. everything checked? number!

Marietta Slomka (52 years old) does not present

Marita Slomka (52 years old) does not present “Tagesthemen” on ARD, but rather presents “heute magazine” on ZDFPhoto: ZDF and Klaus Weddig

The President of the Munich Security Conference continues to speak on his behalf. Minutes later, when asked about the Russian version, he said that NATO’s eastward expansion would go against earlier promises: “Yes, Mrs. Slomka, this is just misinformation.”

After which Ischinger said again: “We must not forget one thing, Mrs. Slomka (…)”

The former ambassador was clearly in the wrong movie. He later apologized via Twitter: “I know, I know. It shouldn’t happen. In fact, not even if you only see the camera but not the person opposite and the tone only makes you vaguely understand the questions. Sorry dear Mrs. Musega! I’m so sorry!”

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Wilda Windrow
"Passionate entrepreneur. Infuriatingly humble travel lover. Twitter expert. Pop culture advocate. Prone to fits of apathy. Coffee scholar."

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