Home science 10 departments will test the end of classroom closures from the first positive case

10 departments will test the end of classroom closures from the first positive case

10 departments will test the end of classroom closures from the first positive case

This trial will be conducted in the provinces of Aisne, Arièges, Cote d’Or, Landes, Manche, Morbihan, Moselle, Rhone, Val-d’Oise and Var.

The list has been expected since Tuesday. As part of the new school health protocol, Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced that classes will no longer be closed from the first case of a student positive for Covid-19 in ten departments.

According to a list known this Saturday, he was aware of it Parisian The French news agency (AFP) confirmed that these departments are the departments of Aisne, Ariège, Cote d’Or, Landes, Manche, Morbihan, Moselle, Rhone, Val-d’Oise and Var.

Placement from the Scientific Council

At the moment, the installation date has not yet been set. But in the classes of those areas where a Covid-19 case will be detected, all students will have to be tested for the coronavirus. Thus, those who test negative can continue to attend school in person.

On the other hand, children who test positive or those whose parents refuse the test will have to follow lessons from home. This was one of the recommendations of the Scientific Council and the Vaccine Strategy Steering Board (COSV). In one of these notices dated September 13.

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The experiment will also make it possible to measure parental consent for the tests. In fact, “At the academy level, the last numbers we had were, a little more than half of the parents who gave their consent,” Elisabeth Cottas, department secretary of the SNUIPP-FSU teachers union in Paris, explained to us. Low rate, which may pose a problem during the experiment.

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This decision comes in addition to the Ministry of Education’s announcement that primary school students in 47 departments will be abolished from the obligation to wear a muzzle, as of Monday.


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