Home Top News With 800 migrants on board: “Sea-Eye 4” allowed to dock

With 800 migrants on board: “Sea-Eye 4” allowed to dock

With 800 migrants on board: “Sea-Eye 4” allowed to dock

Status: 06.11.2021 8:58 PM

After a multi-day voyage across the Mediterranean, “Sea-Eye 4” was allowed to dock in Sicily. The rescue ship received 800 migrants. The Ocean Viking is still waiting for a port to be assigned.

The rescue ship “Sea-Eye 4” of the German aid organizations Sea-Eye and Mission Lifeline was allowed to dock with more than 800 people on board in Trapani, Sicily. The Italian authorities decided after the ship had been waiting for the assignment of a safe port since Thursday.

According to Sea-Eye, more than 200 minors and five pregnant women are among those rescued from the Mediterranean. He is expected to arrive in Trapani, in the western tip of Sicily, on Sunday.

“We are relieved and excited that the difficult hours for our crew and the rescued people will end on Sunday and that people will finally be safe in Italy,” said Jordan Isler, President of Sea-Eye, at the same time. “Appalled” about “Malta’s failure to provide assistance.” The island nation did not respond to emergency calls during the week.

After no reaction from Malta, the island of Lampedusa was destined. The Regensburg Association ship was not allowed to dock there. As the opportunities in Sicily were appreciated and the weather was poor, the ship continued on its way towards Sicily. There it crossed in front of the port of the city of Agrigento until the authorities gave approval to Trapani.

The ship is heavily loaded

According to the organization, CI4 rescued more than 800 migrants in several movements from Tuesday to Wednesday evening. About half of it was taken from a packed wooden boat into which the water was already entering. “Ain El Bahr 4” is designed for about 200 people. Sea-Eye chief Isler said that because of the narrow deck and darkness below the deck, many people collapsed.

The ship is operated by SOS Méditerranée “Ocean Viking” With 313 rescued still waiting to allocate a port. Maltese authorities canceled the crew on Friday, SOS Méditerranée spokeswoman Barbara Hohl announced. “Unfortunately, we are in the usual situation: after the rescues, we have to wait a very long time until a port is finally assigned to us.”


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