Why Amira Bocher is so bad: “I just woke up crying”

Why Amira Bocher is so bad: “I just woke up crying”
Here is one of the live shows for Amira Pocher's podcast.

Here is one of the live shows for Amira Pocher’s podcast.Built by: Imego Images / Mark John

Last Sunday, Amira shocked her fans: “The last few days have been really hard. Something happened, but I do not want to talk about it here.” The 29-year-old said he was very depressed and only knew “for a while” until it came out. But Amira says she does not want to focus on it until then. Fans have been languishing in the dark ever since, and neither she nor her husband Oliver Pocher have given any further explanation of the events.

However, that should change in their new podcast episode because they finally announced from the holidays what really happened. Although the trauma is still deep, the mother of two is now performing better. The reason for the tears over the last few days is that everything has been looted.

Here Amira talks in her story about how bad she is.

Here Amira talks in her story about how bad she is.Image: Instagram / Amira Pocher

Amira and Oliver Bocher are shocked for a moment

To get rid of the rumors that arose after Amira’s secret message, Amira made it clear from the beginning: “We say now. That’s good. We’m still married.” Pocher stressed: “That’s the most important thing. We do not need to hit around the bush: it’s been going on with us for a bit last week.” And: “After saying that it’s not so right, you’ve created a story of something that keeps you crying for days. What’s the matter?” Her response came immediately:

“Yes, we broke down or entered exactly a week ago. Someone or several others are there, unfortunately we do not know, we climbed into the garage and through the window when we were home with the kids. We can say no, but the kids were getting ready for bed downstairs. By this time, 15 minutes, it definitely happened. “

The comedian added: “We’re talking about the period from 6pm to 7pm, so someone must have been really nervous to go into the house when they noticed and heard people were there. It’s clear that if you have children, women will be a little emotional. “Accordingly, Amira was particularly shocked. It was a surreal experience for both of them.” It was very unreal. We came, you did not see things. Then we first thought: how could it be, are we fools or what? We did not see it immediately. Even when the police arrived, we did not immediately record what was happening.The father of five children explained.

Amira described the events as follows: “We only noticed when I was getting ready for bed. I wanted to wash my face and go to bed and prepare everything because I wanted to take the boy with me. That’s when I see my jewelry boxes lying empty on the bed. Who the hell was I? Our children are not big yet, no one can access them, you do not touch my jewelry. The truth is, it took me half an hour to figure out what was going on here. It was in every window. Of course, everything is safe. “

They then called the police a second time, “when we checked to see where the thieves or robbers had boarded,” the arbitrator explained. “It was really blatant because it clicked and we saw all the tracks he was actually lurking in. This little asshole. Aside from the value of the material, it is incredibly scary to know that person or persons will not be ashamed to enter a home knowing that people exist, ”he said.

Bocher, who was robbed about 10, 15 years ago, saw the whole thing: “Someone had a nervous breakdown and you’m always wondering what to do in a situation like this. Assume that at some point someone might collide with them. No one knows what will happen in such a short circuit situation. That’s why it’s really good that you do not watch it. “

Children of great concern

Amira was particularly concerned about her sons: “This fear is so bad. I have set up numerous cameras so that children can no longer be left alone in the room and alone. It’s really annoying now because you know nothing like that happens in our house. There are motion detectors, infrared cameras, really everything. But in this change it is utter nonsense that it strikes us again. You certainly do not feel safe now. ”

As a reminder: After the catastrophic floods last summer, the family is living in Pietro Lombardy’s house because their house was badly damaged by the water masses. After all, that horrific theft incident was the cause of their depression, not the marital crisis.

Pocher criticized his approach for not saying what was going on: “It’s very normal. People were so worried about you because you cried for days and then did not see your ring. They thought: ‘Yes, everything is over, it’s over.

Amira explained what she was doing: “I could not even laugh. You know how I felt. I slept and cried and woke up crying because it’s unbelievably bad to know that people can be so dishonest, take your stuff for what you worked for and bought them yourself. You are proud, but even with your children, they are not safe.You imagine the scenes. The fact that you did not go upstairs with the baby in your arms can be decisive in seconds. Imagine if he had come towards you. What would he have done? Was he aggressive or what? “

However, Pocher said: “I think stealing something is very anti-social.” Finally, the “Let’s Dance” candidate said: “It’s not about material value. I’m not allowed myself to be motivated. After Verona’s theft, we were told how blatant it was and I was so scared that this would happen to us. I felt it. “

Fortunately, they are well insured, thus relieving one of their worries. “In the event of a claim, we have an excellent insurance consultant. Everyone should have home insurance, building insurance and liability insurance when they have their own home. “According to Pocher.



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