When should this start? Healing practice

When should this start?  Healing practice

Healthy Bones With Calcium Supplements

When people are already in early adulthood Calcium Supplements Take, that improves Bone health and stability Significantly, which may prevent osteoporosis and bone fracture later in life.

In a new systematic review and meta-analysis by professionals in Wenzhou Medical University Try to identify evidence of the effect of calcium supplementation on bone mineral formation in young adults. The results were published in the English-language journal.eLifeChest.

Examination of the effect of calcium and vitamin D

The researchers analyzed the results of 43 studies 7300 participants was and in which Calcium or Calcium Plus Vitamin D Compared to placebo or no treatment in participants younger than 35 years of age.

Of these papers, 20 reported that calcium intake was above normal feed and 23 investigations into calcium intake via supplements, experts reported.

Data from these studies were aggregated and analyzed to determine possible Changes in bone mineral density and the Bone mineral content They are found in the lumbar spine, femoral neck, hip and the whole body.

Improved bone mineral density

So it turns out that calcium intake from supplements in old age Under 35 years old Values bone mineral density The team demonstrates the entire body and femoral neck.

Beneficial effects on bone health were more pronounced in affected individuals Age between 20 and 35 years The age before peak bone mass, according to researchers

In the study, calcium intake from the regular diet and calcium supplementation improved bone mineral density in the femoral neck and the whole body.

On the other hand, bone mineral content increased in the femoral neck as well as the lumbar spine Just calcium It improved even more Nutritional supplements It was recorded, the team reports.

with meaning Vitamin D For bone health, the team found that while the combination of calcium and vitamin D was most beneficial for bone mineral density and bone content in the femoral neck, it was not for the lumbar spine and the rest of the body.

Start taking calcium supplements at the right time

Use calcium supplements at what age Bone mass at its highest It leads to a better effect than taking nutritional supplements earlier or later In life, experts explained.

Although more studies are needed to verify these findings, our review provides new thinking about calcium supplementation and the optimal timing for its effects.The study author explains Professor Shuran Wang in press release.

In terms of bone health and a person’s entire life cycle, the time window of Calcium interference from dietary supplements To the age of maximum bone mass (20 to 35 years), according to the expert.

Osteoporosis and fractures It is a widespread problem – especially among old womenTake many calcium-containing supplements for prevention. However, according to the results of previous studies, these studies could not achieve a clinically significant reduction in bone fractures, according to the study author. Yuping Liu.

However, intervention before peak bone density in young adults may have a greater impact on bone health and beyond Osteoporosis preventThe doctor summed it up. (as such)

Author and source information

This text complies with the requirements of specialized medical literature, medical guidelines, and current studies and has been verified by medical professionals.


  • Yupeng Liu, Siyu Le, Yi Liu, Huinan Jiang, Binye Ruan et al: Effect of calcium supplementation in people under 35 years of age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials; In: eLife (veröffentlicht 27.09.2022), eLife
  • eLife: Calcium supplementation in people under the age of 35 improves bone mass (veröffentlicht 27.09.2022), eLife

important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.


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