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What did you do in France?

What did you do in France?

What really happened on June 27 is still not entirely clear. A third police officer, who listened to the traffic control over the radio, has now testified. Then, Nahil actually tried to escape by speeding off after being stopped by the police. This fits with the story of one of his friends in the car, who told of Nahl’s foot involuntarily landing on the accelerator. Do the pedals in a Mercedes-AMG really use that sensitivity? However, the car is undoubtedly capable of brisk acceleration; It was noted by police officers as “high-speed”. The Mercedes was rented in Nanterre the day before. Allegedly, two of Nahl’s friends also used it. It is known that such rents are often in the hands of clans in Germany and act as money-laundering machines.

Florian M. has been in detention since 29 June. He is not currently meeting with anyone, but communicates through video calls and a lot of text messages. His lawyer is calling for his release on parole, saying the 38-year-old police officer is less safe in prison than in public. In addition, he has respected the law all his life and is not going to break it tomorrow.

If the third police officer’s statement turns out to be true, the investigation into the accused, Florian M., will have to be stopped. Because his behavior was in accordance with the regulations. Even the Nahlers family’s attorney admits it. According to him, the video contradicts the claim made by the third policeman on the radio.

Jean Messiha, initiator of the fundraiser for the family of the accused police officer (more than 1.6 million euros have since been donated), explained the success of his appeal in a round of talks as follows: “On the one hand, there is France that riots, attacks and catches fire, on the other On the other hand, France, which for years has been forbidden to express feelings about its love for the police force, the last wall against the anarchy that embodies it,” he told his grumbling interlocutor, who did not actually want to let it end.

In Lorient, the police let her help

The police presence remains high on the streets of France (reportedly 45,000). Fires, crimes, and arrests continued to decline. In total, more than 5,800 cars and more than 1,000 buildings burned in seven nights. On Thursday night this week, 20 people were arrested across France in connection with the unrest. There are also persistent reports of citizens and civic groups taking to the streets at night to intimidate rioters. Sort of a Northern Ireland scenario, which is certainly partly based on the fact that there are separate neighborhoods for French and French by place of birth.

In Lorient in Brittany, such action by the military is now being closely investigated. On the worst troubled nights, about a dozen Marines are said to have joined forces with law enforcement agencies there to reduce crime. A total of 4,000 military personnel are stationed at Lorient Naval Base. The infantry appear to have been in civilian clothes, some with hoods or hoods. The group of 25 young men, which also includes civilians, calls itself “Anti-Casores”, a civilian “riot unit” so to speak. One of them told Ouest-France: “Who are we?

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“There are no militias working alongside or instead of the police,” said the mayor of Lorient of the allegations. But an anonymous police source confirmed that they “allowed it to happen earlier in the evening because it cleared us.” However, he also points out Figaro He points out that this type of “administrative assistance” need not be illegal, as the French Penal Code states: “In the event of a flagrant felony or misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment, any person has the right to apprehend the offender and hand him over to the nearest police officer.”

A man-sized problem to be solved through ‘trust’

On Thursday morning, President Emmanuel Macron told about 70 officials from the Pau region in the southwest of the country that “profound decisions” are to be taken very soon, in the coming weeks. But what followed in Pau were vague formulas that Macron printed in a vague plan of action. There is a “power problem in our society”. She called it against her: “Humanity again” must move to “collective work on site”. Human, but collective? So does this mean that criminal troublemakers have to deal with the law? Macron seems rather fleeting these days, like an army in open disarray, in disorderly retreat.

The answer to the problems is “the height of men and women”, the chair has changed little. So the problem is big, but it is said that the solution can only be achieved through “trust”, not through “technical measures, circulars and project calls”. The only thing that can be seen from this “attack of confidence” by the president is the demand for stronger control over social media, especially the TikTok and Snapchat apps that are popular with young people. During the riots, content was banned and user accounts suspended – both by the platforms themselves, at the government’s request, government spokesman Olivier Ferrand said on LCI TV. It is a recipe from countries that would probably not be counted among the freest and most developed.

Ferran would like the legislature to have more space here. On Tuesday, Macron said that social networks may “shut down” if events spiral out of control. It was later determined by Elysee staff that this did not mean a general “blackout”, but rather a “selective and temporary suspension of social networks”. There were strong reactions to this proposal from parts of the opposition. Republican Olivier Marlix tweeted: “Stop social media? As in China, Iran and North Korea?” This is a provocation that reveals bad taste.

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Meanwhile, Macron is said to have called for a close political fight against the far-left party La France insoumise (LFI) in front of members of the Ennahda group to which he belongs, Like the weekly magazine current values reports. “Don’t let them get away with it! The Melanchonists have undermined everything. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne accused the party of leaving the “republican camp” when it rejected the call for calm. Marine Le Pen does not want to exclude partners from the left-wing coalition NUPES from this criticism either: the Greens and the Socialists have remained Also loyal to France.

Le Pen en Born: You allowed areas of injustice

In an intervention in the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen (RN) called on Prime Minister Elisabeth Bourne (Renaissance) to finally do something to make up for the mistakes of her and her previous governments. “What have you done to France?” asked Le Pen, exasperated. This policy allowed for areas of injustice in France where crime, ignorance of French culture, hostility to the state, and hatred of the French people were widespread. According to Marine Le Pen, the turmoil that has occurred raises fears of the worst of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. According to Le Pen, the conclusion is clear: “chaotic immigration” must be stopped, and the resulting parallel and separatist societies must be addressed as problems. Marine Le Pen also wants to strengthen the authority of parents and make the school a “melting pot” of the nation again.

And the judiciary too, it is Le Pen’s refrain, must regain its old obstinacy. Indeed: more than 700 injured policemen and tens of millions of euros in damage in a few nights speak for themselves. In general, Le Pen says, “Millions of crimes are being committed in our country. But the answer to criminal law is missing.” The sentence will not be carried out. Punishment.” Figaro Others here reported that 3,625 people have been arrested since last Tuesday, including 1,124 minors. But this is not really an objection. The question is what penalties will follow. Also, the undeniably large numbers say nothing of the number of perpetrators who did not fall into the trap of general lawlessness.

on public television France 2 Marine Le Pen spoke about the riots and their aftermath. She stressed that not only large cities were affected, but also smaller towns and villages. She specifically attacked the impunity of minors as the “growth hormone” of crime, and called for the return of state power. She wants to abolish the place of birth principle in the nationality law (“droit du sol”). The fact that you have to raise your children well applies to Le Pen in every neighborhood and to all single mothers alike. Yet these are the objections of the politically correct television press in France, that suburban mothers are particularly disadvantaged and therefore do not bring their children to their senses. Everyone knows that there are other cultural reasons for this.

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Kevin or not Kevin?

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told a news conference that there were “many Kevins and Mateus” among the arrested offenders. He has not published a full list of first names. This is the only way to quantitatively evaluate his statement. One of these “Kevins” in disguise appeared on BFM TV and showed a different phenotype (linguistically as well) than the usual “Kevin”. He confessed to shooting at the policemen with mortars and throwing stones. The bottom line is that there is basically nothing bad, compared to the police who prowled the neighborhoods murderously. Also, a white French would be punished more lightly than people of his (North African) ethnic group anyway. Several videos show where most of the troublemakers come from, even though most likely had French passports.

The Republican leader in the Senate, Gérard Larcher, called for “face the truth,” even if one must not nurture an unspecified “hatred.” For Larcher, it’s no longer about spending suburban programs. Instead, he called for the regulation of migratory flows. The planned immigration law should be honed at this point. Interior Minister Darmanin seems to want to prevent this. But the governor has already issued an ultimatum here: “If he does not want to listen to us, there will be no law.” And Larcher, like Marine Le Pen, also speaks of the “mix of the hour” – an unacceptable according to some, and according to others, the connection between two themes: on the one hand the riots, especially in the past week, and on the other immigration. This distinguishes the French Republicans from the German CDU.

Larcher intends to restore all damaged public buildings in the same manner as is currently being done with Notre Dame in Paris. Town halls are also considered “symbols of the republic” like the cathedral. Meanwhile, Eric Zemmour demanded that the rioters bear the cost of reconstruction. Macron also made a little law-and-order proposal here: parents whose children cross bars should be fined “for the first nonsense they screwed up” instead of giving them more social benefits. There is a “power problem in our society”. The Political Journal Marianne He still has doubts Whether Macron has enough internal strength for this policy of zero tolerance remains to be seen.



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