Vitamin C to Improve Cancer Treatment – A Healing Practice

Vitamin C to Improve Cancer Treatment – A Healing Practice

The effect of vitamin C on dendritic cells

treat with Vitamin C It appears to strengthen some cells of the immune system (dendritic cells), which in turn has important implications for the success of Cancer treatments Based on these cells. The new discovery could lead to major improvements in cancer treatment.

In a new study, experts from Josep Carreras Research Institute The (IJC) analyzed the so-called epigenetic and transcriptional reprogramming, which is induced by vitamin C during differentiation and maturation of dendritic cells from monocytes. The results of the study are published in the journalnucleic acid researchChest.

How do cell therapies work to treat cancer?

Cellular therapies used to combat crepes Live cells are used to find and then kill cancer cells.

Many types of immune cells are already used in such treatments, and so-called lymphocytes, for example, are being used in highly successful CAR-T therapies, according to the team.

Advantages of dendritic cells

In the meantime, however, the Stem Cells More in focus. Because these cells can take antigens and present them to T lymphocytes, what a Strong antigen-specific immune activation the reasons.

To study dendritic cells in vitro, they were first isolated from another type of immune cell, a unicornsWith the help of certain molecular signals disparateThe team explains.

The TET family of demethylases in particular plays an important role in this differentiation. Refers to Proteinswhich on the DNA epigenetic marksthe experts at A . explain press release.

The role of vitamin C

Vitamin C interacts with many TET proteins, causing them to occur increased activity will. However, it is still not clear which specific mechanism in human cells is responsible for this.

In the new research work, it is now examined whether vitamin C treatment of monocytes in vitro during differentiation into dendritic cells can help developing cells. More mature and active According to the team.

According to the researchers, the results show that treatment with vitamin C leads to widespread demethylation of the so-called NF-kB/p65 binding sites, compared to cells not treated with vitamin C.

Vitamin C treatment benefits

Such treatment, according to experts, enhances specific gene activitywhich is involved in antigen presentation and Activate the immune response included.

In addition, vitamin C boosts Telecommunications of the resulting dendritic cells together with other components of the immune system and activate them Antigen-specific T-cell proliferation.

Enhanced activation of T cells

According to the researchers, further experiments showed that dendritic cells stimulated with vitamin C loaded with antigens specific to SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Activate T cells more efficiently Than the case with untreated cells.

This indicates the superiority of information and communication technology Vitamin C-treated dendritic cell vaccines. Taken together, the new findings support the idea that treating monocyte-derived dendritic cells with vitamin C can help boost dendritic cell vaccinations. higher performance To make or to invent.

Improving cancer treatment in the future

More research in this area could help in the future A new generation of cellular therapies On the basis of dendritic cells to put any of them into practice It can fight cancer more efficiently, summarized the experts. (as such)

Author and source information

This text complies with the requirements of specialized medical literature, medical guidelines, and current studies and has been verified by medical professionals.


  • Octavio Morante-Palacios, Gerard Godoy-Tena, Josep Calafell-Segura, Laura Ciudad, Eva M Martínez-Cáceres et al: Vitamin C promotes NF-κB-driven epigenetic reprogramming and enhances the immunological properties of dendritic cells; In: Nucleic Acids Research (veröffentlicht 28.10.2022), nucleic acid research
  • Josep Carreras Institute for Leukemia Research: Vitamin C may hold the key to improving efficacy of dendritic cell-derived cancer cell therapies (veröffentlicht 02.11.2022), Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute

important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.


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