Using the ABCDE Rule: How to Check Your Body for Skin Cancer

Using the ABCDE Rule: How to Check Your Body for Skin Cancer

With the ABCDE rule, you can check for yourself at home whether your birthmarks require a medical examination. Each letter of the ABCDE rule stands for a characteristic that a skin lesion, such as a mole, can have.

This is how the ABCDE rule works

The characters are:

A = asymmetry

  • Does the mole have a flat, circular shape? this is good.
  • Is the birthmark uneven and uneven? Then you should see a dermatologist.

b = border

  • Are the edges sharp and smooth? this is good.
  • Are the edges fuzzy, jagged, uneven, or jagged? Then you should see a dermatologist.

C = color (farb)

  • Does the mole have a uniform color? this is good.
  • Does it have different colours, spots or blotches? Then you should see a dermatologist.

D = diameter

  • Is the mole smaller than five millimeters at its widest point? this is good.
  • Is it larger than five millimeters, or is the shape hemispherical? Then you should see a dermatologist.

E = grandeur and sophistication

  • Is the mole flat and does not change its shape? this is good.
  • Is it higher than a millimeter, is a nodule forming or is it getting bigger? Then you should see a dermatologist.

This post also appeared on Focus on the Internet.


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