UN Human Rights Council: Germany remains a member tagesschau.de

UN Human Rights Council: Germany remains a member tagesschau.de

Status: 11/10/2022 9:48 PM

Germany has been a member of the UN Human Rights Council since 2020. The UN General Assembly has now elected 14 new seats – and Germany is part of the body for another three years.

Written by Peter Muki, ARD Studio New York

Germany is a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, based in Geneva, for another three years. At the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Germany received 167 votes out of 176. A total of 14 seats were newly elected. Germany has been a member of the committee since 2020.

On the other hand, Venezuela lost its seat on the Human Rights Council – the country is unsuitable for membership due to its “retaliatory attack on government critics,” wrote Human Rights Watch’s representative to the United Nations, Lewis. Charbonneau in advance.

A total of 47 members

One of the Council’s tasks is to protect victims of human rights violations and to promote the realization of human rights throughout the world. As the principal organization of the United Nations, it is the main forum for dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights.

The Human Rights Council replaced the UN Commission on Human Rights as part of the 2006 UN reform. The Council can, by an absolute majority, decide to send monitors to monitor the human rights situation in a member state. It has 47 members elected on the basis of regional proportional representation.

Russia’s Membership Suspension

Under US President Trump, the US temporarily left the commission – but returned a year ago. After the attack on Ukraine, Russia was suspended in April of this year by a decision of the United Nations General Assembly.

Most recently, the Human Rights Council made headlines last week when it overwhelmingly rejected a request from the West for a discussion on the status of Uyghurs in China. This was only the second time in the council’s 16-year history that such a proposal had not been adopted.


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