Home Top News “TV Total” presenter Sebastian Buffoff reveals details of his mischief and appeals to fans

“TV Total” presenter Sebastian Buffoff reveals details of his mischief and appeals to fans

“TV Total” presenter Sebastian Buffoff reveals details of his mischief and appeals to fans

“TV Total” presenter Sebastian Buffoff reveals details of how Signal tricked Iduna into the park during the best match between BVB and FC Bayern. In addition, the 45-year-old appealed to Borussia Dortmund supporters.

The 45-year-old said he did not reach deep into the bag of his tricks. He optically adapted the style of Coach Marco Rose’s dress, he usually wore a sweater with a shirt collar, and his hairstyle.

Buffoff, who aired on Wednesday, said he had a certain resemblance to the Portuguese coach anyway. He even gave Roja an autograph on the street.

After “Makeover”, Buffoff arranged a jacket with the BVB logo and a black bus following the Dortmund team’s car. In addition, some of the extra people who provided the names of the referee BVB stars in advance had their seats in the tracksuit.

Shortly before the bus reached the ground, the “TV Total” team covered it with a large Borussia Dortmund logo. The black and yellow vehicle actually crossed many restrictions.

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First, at the small checkpoint, Buffoff, seated next to the passenger, passed by with a simple wave in the direction of a folder. Only at the entrance to the cabin wing was it the end of the line.

“Please stay in that area, you do not have a work card,” one of the maids pushed in: “You are not our coach”. “who am I?” Buffoff replied. To which the person replied, “I do not care. But you are not our coach.”

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The contribution was then terminated, which would have no legal effect on Puffpaff. According to the police, the BVB avoided filing a criminal complaint. Managing Director Hans-Joachim Watzke faced the game shortly after the game ended Roor News The campaign declared that “all relevant grounds will be strictly banned”. “It doesn’t work,” he added.

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Buffoff, who claims to be a big BVB fan, confirmed the stadium ban “for life”. So he called on Dortmund supporters to support him: “I need your help.” You need to work on starting a friendship between “TV Total” and BVB.

Finally, Buffoff suggested that fans call his name in the future and agreed with studio guests: “We want to see Buffy!”


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