Trump in the crosshairs of criticism – Politics

Trump in the crosshairs of criticism – Politics

previous president Donald Trump He faces harsh criticism from both political camps. This was reported by several media outlets, including the Associated Press news agency. On the social network he founded, Truth Social, he has called for the abolition of the constitution in order to invalidate the 2020 elections. Since the election results were announced he claims that the elections were rigged.

“A fraud so great of this kind and scale allows for the abolition of all rules, regulations and articles, including those of the Constitution,” he wrote. “Our great founders did not want and will not condone sham and rigged elections!”

Mike Turner condemned the comments “in the strongest possible terms”.

However, Trump’s statements were met with clear criticism not only from Democrats, but also from within the ranks of his own party. Asked about this, Ohio Rep. Mike Turner, who is also the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said on CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday that he “strongly disagrees” with Trump and condemned his remarks “sharply.” They should be a factor, he said, when Republicans decide who should lead their party in 2024. “I think people will consider a statement like that when evaluating a candidate.”

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger called Trump’s statement “crazy.” Fellow party member and Congressman Mike Lawler stressed on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the Constitution was created for a specific reason: “to protect the rights of every American.” He believes that it is better for the former president to “focus on the future if he wants to run for president again.”

Hakeem Jeffries: Trump’s statements are strange and extreme

The Democrats’ tone is even sharper: the new party chairman in the House of Representatives, Hakeem JeffriesOn ABC’s This Week, he called Trump’s statement “strange and extreme” on Sunday and said Republicans must choose whether to continue to support Trump’s anti-democratic views.

“Republicans are going to have to sort out their issues with the former president and decide whether to break with him and return to some sanity, or continue to bow to the extremism, not just of Trump, but of Trump,” Jeffries said. US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) even called Trump a “danger to democracy.”

The White House also responded to Trump’s remarks, saying, “The American Constitution is an untouchable document that has guaranteed for more than 200 years that liberty and the rule of law prevail in our great country,” spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement. “An assault on the constitution and everything it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation.”


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