This time in a different office: Biden’s staff finds even more classified documents

This time in a different office: Biden’s staff finds even more classified documents

This time in a different office
Biden’s staff finds more classified documents

Secret documents are revealed when an old office belonging to Joe Biden is surveyed. The American president is amazed at this discovery. But the scandal spreads. The Democratic staff also found classified files at another location.

According to media reports, after secret documents were discovered in the former private office of US President Joe Biden, more government documents were found. And the American CNN, quoting unnamed sources, stated that they were discovered while searching for a second site. After the first discovery in November, Biden staffers searched other sites for government documents. The White House initially did not confirm these reports.

Documents content, location and time were open. According to NBC, it is once again classified as classified documents. On Monday, it became public that Biden had kept secret documents from his time as US Vice President Barack Obama in his private offices at the Ben Biden Center in Washington, D.C. The White House said Biden used the building after he left the vice president’s office in 2017 until about 2020.

The files are reported to include at least 10 top secret documents, some of which are classified as Class A. Then Biden explained that the discovery “surprised” him and that he did not know who had brought the documents there. At the same time, he promised “full cooperation” in the investigation.

The White House dodged critical questions about the first discovery on Wednesday and referred only to a statement issued on Monday. Spokeswoman Karen Jean-Pierre declined to comment on why the White House had not announced the discovery much earlier.

The documents were discovered in November shortly before the midterm elections – the media finally announced it. Jean-Pierre indicated that the Ministry of Justice is investigating the case and will not comment on it. The discovery is very politically sensitive for Biden, since his predecessor Donald Trump caused a scandal with a similar case in the summer.


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