These foods make the winter blues worse

These foods make the winter blues worse

Do you know that too? Eat a piece of chocolate and improve your mood! Unfortunately, the effect also goes the other way: certain foods can worsen our mental state. In this article you will find out what effect Depression diet And what foods can promote the development of depression.

Here’s what you need to know about nutrition for depression

This is what our diet should do with depression

It is clear that the choice of our food has an effect on our physical condition. So he poured us full breakfast Energy for today Plenty of food in the morning It makes us lazy.

But food also affects our mental health. Certain foods can trigger depression. This is especially important in the winter. Because in the dark season many people have a depressive mood, sleep problems and panic attacks.

Depression can affect anyone. picture: Istock, Elizaveta Tomashevska /

Why do we get depressed faster in the winter?

Because of the lack of sunlight, we suffer one Vitamin D deficiency. which has Effects on our physical and mental health. Scientists also Takes The occurrence of such seasonal disturbances winter blues Seriously. According to studies The production of the sleep hormone melatonin increases in the winter, which blocks the production of serotonin, the “happy hormone.” This also contributes to winter depression.

Bad diet promotes depression

bad diet Could you It indirectly contributes to us becoming depressed. Because a diet high in sugar and fat can lead to inflammatory processes in the body. These increase the risk of depression.

When there is inflammation, certain substances called cytokines circulate in the brain. Cytokines are released to activate cells of the immune system. Then the immune cells fight the inflammation and break down the cytokines again – naturally.

Because with chronic inflammation, that is, diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, Permanently increased cytokines. This can have a negative effect on the psyche. As researchers believe, the cytokines affect dopamine and norepinephrine. They upset the balance of happiness and stress hormones It inhibits dopamine production. This causes symptoms of depression.

Diet for depression: you have to pay attention to it

For patients with chronic inflammatory disease, this means that they are particularly affected they You should pay attention to nutrition. But all other people should if possible Reduce your intake of foods that can cause inflammationn. These include:

  • food for whom a lot of sugar Add: cake, chocolate, muesli, ice cream, etc.
  • high fat content Food: convenience products, fried foods
  • white flour products: white bread, pasta, rice
  • red meat: Beef and Pork

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