These foods help prevent depression

These foods help prevent depression

The effect of nutrition on the mind and body is receiving increasing attention in scientific research.

If the messengers in the brain’s metabolism get out of balance, depression can develop. Your feelings, thoughts, and actions change.

Substances such as dopamine and serotonin improve physical well-being. Norepinephrine is released in stressful situations to increase performance and alertness.

Nutrients are essential to our health. It also has an effect on brain metabolism. Vitamins and trace elements can be found in a healthy, balanced diet. Improper nutrition leads to an imbalance of apostolic materials.

The right foods counteract mild depressive moods. Major dips belong in professional hands. But even then, a change in diet can be an important step on the road to a new sense of well-being.

A diet high in sugar and fat promotes inflammation and increases the risk of depression. Released cytokines upset the balance of messengers.

A plant-based diet and vegetable oils (such as flaxseed or walnut oil) have a mood-enhancing effect.

White wheat flour should be replaced with whole wheat flour. Secondary plant substances in herbs, fruits, and vegetables have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Omega-3 fatty acids provide valuable nutrients and vitamins.

Spinach, fennel, potatoes, almonds, walnuts, and sesame can raise serotonin levels. Spices such as saffron, turmeric, ginger and lemon have the same effect.

Bananas, nuts, pepperoni, carrots, and avocados support dopamine production.

Green vegetables, oats, apples, and pineapples provide the raw materials for norepinephrine production.


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