Home Top News The devastating verdict of the Berlin Toss: It’s over, Barbog!

The devastating verdict of the Berlin Toss: It’s over, Barbog!

The devastating verdict of the Berlin Toss: It’s over, Barbog!

BerlinAllegations of theft, special payments were announced too late, questionable information. Annalena Bairbach, her Green Party friends and countless supporters accuse some sections of the media of campaigning against the Green candidate for president. Ironically, the left-wing alternative toss, which is ideologically closer to the Greens than any other German newspaper, has now issued a brutal verdict in this context, calling on Annalina Barbach to withdraw her candidacy for president.

“It’s over, Barbog!” Under the headline, “Book Disaster Fits in the Picture: Again the Presidential candidate wanted to appear bigger than her. I don’t even know if she made a mistake again this time. ” Fairbach, which also says in Das, “failed because of their own ambition”, said the polls were “in the free fall”.

“A Defamation of Feminism”

According to the Toss writer, only Robert Hebeck could pull the cart out of the mud. She backed down only because of a “better alternative” and the Greens’ internal rules: “If it were not for Barbach’s first right to access as a woman under Greens law, she would have become the president’s candidate anyway Greens.” Barbaugh and Hebeck were never “equally qualified.” “By exaggerating herself” Annalina Berbaugh “made a slander of feminism” because “the cause of women” Fairbach’s failure represents a setback.

Anyway, the Annaleena namebox election has now failed and can no longer win in the current galaxy. Therefore, the author appeals to the Greens: “If Barbach is concerned about the climate and the future of future generations, he should soon submit his candidacy to Hebeck.” Influential party groups clarify to her: It’s over, Annalina! “

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