Home Top News The date is too young: a doctor sues a dating agency – News Abroad

The date is too young: a doctor sues a dating agency – News Abroad

The date is too young: a doctor sues a dating agency – News Abroad

Gaga or just?

This question is posed by a message from faraway Australia. A doctor there sued a dating agency. Reason: The Elite Preludes wanted to pair her with a man who, in her opinion, was too young.

Doctor. Eileen Moore is the name of the woman who wants her money back. After all, it is about
4,995 Australian dollars, just under 3,100 euros. The 38-year-old also requested a letter of apology from the company.

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The doctor filed the suit in an Australian civil court. The reason: the dating professionals wanted to hook you up with a guy – agreed – no more than 1.82 meters tall.

Candidate must be 1.82m

as “daily Mail” I mentioned, the Australian appears to be seriously angry. She said, “I didn’t assume I would find great love. But I expected the agency to find a man who would meet my standard.” Besides the minimum
1.82m of Australian or Irish descent and Roman Catholic religion.

Eileen Moore has been an Elite Advance client since 2019. “By that time I had reached a point where I wanted to settle down at home, get married and have a family,” the doctor said.

At a hearing, the doctor described how the agency approached her and wanted to pair her with a man who was ready for a relationship. At the time, he was abroad. Agency chief Elaine Moore told with astonishment that the prospective couple were “about the same size”.

After a meeting the 38-year-old felt compelled to, she did not want to meet again. I have tried to contact the head of the dating agency several times – to no avail.

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Eileen Moore is now filing a breach of contract lawsuit. The session is scheduled for February 2022.


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