The bachelor spreads his arms: “Oh, are you 29 too?”

The bachelor spreads his arms: “Oh, are you 29 too?”

The bachelor spreads his arms
“Oh, are you 29 too?”

By Kai Butterweck

After traveling to Germany last year, the new “bachelor” and his 22 single girls are embarking on their romantic adventure again this year in beautiful Mexico. In addition to the sprayed lips and lots of blisters, high C also comes to the fore.

Florian Silbereisen is waving the DSDS scepter, you stumble next from one scandal in the jungles of South Africa and model mom Heidi Klum is already twirling in the starting constituencies with her new GNTM candidates. By the time the TV entertainment elite show ran earlier this year, the cast was not just part of the puzzle for the ultimate stimulus of ecstasy in the show community. And it is! With dry hair and iron blue eyes, he looks like a man at the end of a long red carpet – the new bachelor!

Mr. of Frankfurt am Main. Stuckman, allowed a little joke with the first two rose girls. Disguised as a limousine driver, the two bachelor drivers enthusiastically yell at the women from the community lodge to the luxurious bachelor villa – including the deaf. “Yeah, what is he like? Is he good? What color are his eyes?” As expected, Barbie expert Christina R. and marketing manager Josephine deal with the most important design questions.

Dominic has high expectations

The bachelor takes it with a smile on his face. What does he expect from his Mexico adventure? Dominic, who works as a “successful entrepreneur” from Frankfurt or Gran Canaria, has high expectations: “I think I will have the time of my life, at the best opportunity, to find the love of my life,” says the bachelor.


Dominic is in the mood.

(Photo: RTL)

For both, less than 22 single women are ready to mate with the blonde sunny guy in beautiful Mexico. This year too, the curved team is pouring in everything the heart of a bachelor wants, molded meat. “Where, you’re beautiful! Yes, I want to have a family, a house and a dog at some point. Oh, are you 29 too?”: Dominic is already confronted with many dream girl types when congratulating him.

“Cool, you have a rose tattoo on your arm”

Leading the race for the crown of attention is globlotter blonde Laura. Mamingan, a tourism management student, was “in Kenya and farther away.” Beauty stylist Irina also sparked interest in the bachelor: “Cool, you have a rose tattoo on your arm,” says Dominic happily. Is this already a “perfect match” sign?

The fiery poppet is good and when he is excited, he can be quiet again in between singing. So the office clerk from Munich sings the diva anthem “A moment like this” at the top of his lungs. Very few of those present could sing like a poppet. But it’s not so bad, Popet’s competition has other qualities. Of course, when you first meet them they will not tell you what they are.

Breasts, lips, ducks

The outer shell is on the front. While the bachelor enjoys the best crack and pack snacks, the viewer learns how much Botox any woman has in the beginning. This inevitably leads to accidental insights here and there: “My breasts and lips are finished. Now I’m like a duckling,” reveals the educator Francesca.

The majestic Valeria Perez Cortes from Berlin wants to be even more famous. But too many bubbles in the fight for talk time prove to be an insurmountable obstacle. Shortly before the end of the first form, the bachelor rushes from one fast date to the next. ā€œIā€™m a little overweight,ā€ the lead actor admits.

After the final illustrated pop dance round, he has to make a decision. Which three women did he pay less attention to in the short time he got to know each other? After a glass of sparkling wine, the time has come. For Elena, Jenny and Bella, the love journey is over before the suitcases are properly separated. For all the other women, on the other hand, the wild courtship ride is just beginning.

“The Bachelor” will be on RTL every Wednesday from January 26 at 8:15 pm. Additionally, the program is available at any time Available on RTL +, The latest episode will be available a week before the TV broadcast. You can find more information about the show here At


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