Spirulina Skyr with Blueberries, Rice Cakes and Coconut Flakes

Spirulina Skyr with Blueberries, Rice Cakes and Coconut Flakes

I love yogurt for breakfast. Served with some fruit or nuts, it’s always a welcome quick breakfast for me to beat a little hunger. Perhaps you are one of those people who cannot immediately eat something heavy in the morning. Then this spirulina sugar with blueberries, coconut flakes, and rice cake is just the thing. And since you’re already on the subject of yogurt, it makes sense to use rice cakes with yogurt as well.

If skyr isn’t your thing at all, you can of course also make it with plain yogurt. However, Skyer is very low in fat and high in healthy protein. That’s why it’s included in this healthy berry with coconut. In the recipe it is sweetened with a little maple syrup. If you’re not too excited about it, we’ve rounded up some other delicious sugar alternatives to sweeten for you right here.

To give the sky its beautiful color, you have to mix some spirulina powder with water and then stir it in the yogurt. This is how she gets her slightly turquoise look. If you don’t even know what spirulina powder is, I can recommend this article. There you can find out everything you need to know about blue-green powder and how best to use it in the kitchen.

Want more breakfast recipes that look pretty, like Spirulina Skyr? Then take a look at these delicious creations and enjoy a really hearty breakfast next weekend.

Three cups of chia yogurt with granola and kiwi on a light blue wood background.


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A glass with a layered breakfast of spirulina yogurt, cranberries, waffle rice and coconut flakes on a gray marble background.


Colorful Breakfast – Spirulina Sugar with Blueberries, Coconut and Rice Cake

a description

Our Spirulina Skyr is not only a visual advantage, but also very healthy.

to prepare

  1. Mix spirulina powder with water and add to yogurt. Then sweeten it with maple syrup and mix everything together.

  2. Cut a piece of rice cake (decoration). Chop or crush the rest into a breakfast bag.

  3. Wash and dry the berries.

  4. Then layer in a glass. First put some yogurt in the cup and then sprinkle the rice cake, coconut flakes and berries.

  5. Repeat and then add another layer of Spirulina Sky to the glass and garnish with coconut flakes, a piece of rice cake and some blueberries. complete!


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