Small wound, big risk of infection Economy & Volkswagen News

Small wound, big risk of infection Economy & Volkswagen News

Wiesbaden (ots) – Whether it’s a knee abrasion or a finger wound: The R + V Versicherung information center advises even small wounds to be carefully cleaned and disinfected. Otherwise there is a risk of inflammation and wound infections.

Small cuts are usually easy to treat on your own. “In such cases, everyone should have an antiseptic wound spray,” says Frederick Kaiser, a consultant at R + V health insurance. She recommends using it to thoroughly disinfect small wounds to prevent inflammation and infection. “Wound infections prevent normal healing, and scars appear more quickly. They can also spread to healthy tissues or, in worst cases, to tendons and bones,” explains the doctor.

Clean wounds before sterilizing them

Wounds may need to be cleaned before disinfection. In the case of cuts, this happens more or less “automatically” if you let them bleed for a while. “Bleeding expels the smallest particles of dirt and germs from the wound,” explains doctor R + V Kaiser. If the wound is clean, the bleeding can be stopped with sterile pressure and then carefully disinfected and protected with a bandage. Kaiser adds, “If the wounds are very deep or bleed profusely, the sufferer should see a doctor to be on the safe side.”

On the other hand, abrasions usually bleed little, and the body does not clean the wound itself. If the wound is very dirty, such as dirt or sand, it should be cleaned with clean water. Foreign bodies such as stones or splinters can be carefully removed with tweezers.

Go to the doctor’s office immediately with bite injuries

A special case are bite injuries, especially from cats. They often lead to serious infections in people – on the one hand, because the teeth are sharp and penetrate deeply into the tissues, and on the other hand, because saliva contains dangerous bacteria. If these enter the bloodstream, they can lead to serious wound infections and infect the meninges or heart valves, for example. “Many sufferers do not take cat bites seriously because they are small and do not bleed. However, I highly recommend carefully disinfecting small bite injuries and then heading straight to the doctor’s office,” warns Frederick Kaiser.

More tips from the R+V Info Center:

Anyone treating a wound should wash their hands thoroughly beforehand and may also disinfect them or wear sterile disposable gloves. Medical alcohol is suitable for hand disinfection. However, when in contact with wounds, it burns badly. Therefore, alcohol-free wound antiseptics are always the better alternative—especially for children. – If tap water is not available to disinfect wounds, mineral water or saline is an alternative. Salt also has an antiseptic effect and promotes wound healing. Infection can also develop from small insect bites, especially from scratching. Cooling helps prevent itching, for example with a cool wet cloth, cold compresses or gels. Special creams or battery-operated pens can also provide relief. – If a red line forms on the wound, you should definitely go to the doctor’s office. It could be the beginning of septicemia.

Media communication:

R + V-Infocenter 06172 / 9022-131 [email protected] Twitter: @ruv_news

Original content from: R + V Infocenter, transmitted by aktuell news

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