Announcing the date for the reopening of Notre Dame

Announcing the date for the reopening of Notre Dame

Notre-Dame de Paris is set to reopen at the end of 2024, five and a half years after the devastating Easter fire of 2019. This is roughly in line with the promise of a five-year reconstruction period announced by President Emmanuel. The special envoy for the reconstruction of the cathedral, former general Jean-Louis Georgelin, according to French media reports (Tuesday), said that Macron submitted it shortly after the disaster of April 15, 2019. Then it will be a little late given the Olympic Games, which will be held in France in August 2024.

Government representatives said the authorities also decided to build the 12th-century Gothic masterpiece, whose roof, roof, parts of the vault and crossing tower were destroyed in the great fire, completely in form and materials. “We’re not making concrete vaults that look like stone: we’re making stone vaults that we recreate as they were built in the Middle Ages,” said Philippe Jost, head of the responsible government agency. Joost explained that the construction of the roof should be made of oak beams as usual. Soon after the fire, there were widespread discussions about remodeling, including a swimming pool on the roof of the cathedral.

The 93-meter-high tower, which was added by architect Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century, will also be rebuilt. Georglin explained that the world-famous tower would be gradually erected on the monument again over the course of the year, “a strong signal of its rebirth.”

Smooth reconstruction

Reconstruction, which has been ongoing since the previous year after two years of security work, is progressing smoothly overall. According to General Georgelin, about a thousand people a day take part in Paris and throughout France. Culture Minister Rima Abdel Malek said the restoration work will continue until 2025.

Meanwhile, an exhibition on the progress of the work opened in the cathedral square on Tuesday. Shows the operations at the construction site and the activities of various crafts. Also on display are fire remains and a virtual reality show on the history of the cathedral. She added that the show is supposed to allow tourists, including visitors to the 2024 Summer Olympics, to experience a “visit” to Notre Dame in a whole new way.

The early Gothic Parisian Episcopal Church of Notre Dame is a Paris landmark. It is considered by many to be an example of cathedrals in France. The church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Ile de la Cite is exposed in the historic center and was visited by approximately 12 to 14 million people each year before the 2019 fire. (tmg/KNA)


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