Secret Service blows up a car: Ukrainian lawmaker survives attack

Secret Service blows up a car: Ukrainian lawmaker survives attack

The Secret Service blows up a car
Ukrainian lawmaker survives attack

Oleksiy Kovalev, who was elected to the Verkhovna Rada for Zelensky’s party in 2019, is said to be working with Russia. Ukrainian intelligence blew up her car last week. Russian media is now showing a video showing the man – apparently largely unharmed.

In the Russian-occupied Cherson region, Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Kovalev apparently survived an attack by Ukrainian intelligence. The 33-year-old is suspected of treason and cooperation with Russia in Ukraine. In the middle of last week, the head of the Ukrainian Military Intelligence, Kirillo Budanov, said on television that Kovalev’s car had been blown up.

“I am alive and well and plan to return to work from Monday,” he said in one of them. Video published by the Russian State Agency RIA Novosti. The footage shows his arm bandages, apparently lying on a hospital bed. Kovalov emphasized that he was not intimidated and will continue to work in his constituency in Kherson Oblast until his term ends in 2023.

Kovalev was elected to the Supreme Parliament in 2019 by direct mandate of the presidential party “Maids of the People”. At the end of April he was expelled from the party and faction on suspicion of collaborating with Russia. Kovalev returned to his hometown of Hola Pristan, about 40 kilometers south of Cherson, in April.

After the invasion at the end of February, Russia occupied almost the entire Cherson region. In recent weeks, Russia has begun issuing passports here. Russian media are showing footage of long queues in front of issue offices. Recently, there have been frequent attacks on Ukrainians cooperating with occupying forces in the region.


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