Home Top News Russia: Court sentenced 19-year-olds to overnight house arrest after protest

Russia: Court sentenced 19-year-olds to overnight house arrest after protest

Russia: Court sentenced 19-year-olds to overnight house arrest after protest

at Russia The political opposition is under increasing pressure. A 19-year-old is now on trial for a political prisoner protest.

Olga Messik was sentenced to two years in prison for house arrest. The young woman was allowed into her apartment Moscow Her lawyer said on the Telegram news channel that she did not leave between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

She is accused of hanging a sign in support of political prisoners on the prosecutor’s building and spraying paint on a guards’ shelter last August. Two comrades in arms were also found guilty.

Misik became known in the summer of 2019 when she read about armed police officers from the Russian constitution during protests against the exclusion of a number of prominent opposition members from the city council elections in Moscow. Her lawyer announced that he would appeal. “I do not intend to abide by these restrictions,” Russian media quoted Messik as saying.

In the past few months, there have been several protests for the release of the detained Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny In Russia. Hundreds of people were arrested at rallies in April.

Navalny exited January 17 upon his return Germany He was arrested at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport and sentenced to several years in prison in a concentration camp in a controversial case before the court. He is said to have violated probation conditions in previous criminal proceedings – before, but also while recovering from a neurotoxin attack in Germany.

At a court hearing at the end of April, identification of Navalny was apparently not possible. The opposition activist went on hunger strike on March 31 to protest what he described as insufficient medical care while in detention. As a result, Navalny’s health deteriorated and he was treated in a civilian hospital. He said at the end of April that, given “all the circumstances,” he had begun leaving the hunger strike.

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