Roland Kaiser: “You have to learn to deal with failure”

Roland Kaiser: “You have to learn to deal with failure”

No matter how hard times get: The Schlager star never hangs her head and always looks forward. He looks back on a life with many ups – but also downs. His musical career has always been successful, but far from the stage, fate has not always been kind to him. As a teenager, Roland Kaiser discovered that he was an inventor. He was diagnosed with COPD in 2000. A lung transplant twelve years ago saved his life. He turned 70 on May 10…

What wish do you want to fulfill?

“I don’t have a special wish because I think I’m very lucky. I have a great wife, wonderful children and good friends in my life. I’m not failing at my job, I’m healthy – you should have more wishes from now on.”

Roland Kaiser – All news, videos, photos and more. Here on the wiki

More Roland Kaiser news, videos, photos here!

Is there a secret recipe to getting fit?

“I stay healthy by living in moderation, not going too far, and of course playing sports every day. According to the motto: “If you rest, you rust” – so rust doesn’t develop so quickly.”

Others retire at 70. What motivates you to keep going?

“This job doesn’t stress me out and feels exciting. I really enjoy it and I won’t stop because I think I want to retire. As long as I do what I love, I will. I’m looking forward to playing my concerts this summer.”

In addition to many highlights, you also had some setbacks. What’s your secret recipe for staying positive?

“No life is filled with high points. My recipe for countering this is to accept the situation and fight against it. Personalities are formed primarily in valleys. You have to accept the valley to experience a high point again. I think it’s a good learning process to understand that life can’t always be full of highlights.”

His new single is called You Can’t Win Love. How did the title come about?

“My friend and colleague Mite Kelly gave me the title. I thought the line was brilliant. In my opinion, Mite’s work was a success, but ultimately the fans decide if he really is the one.”

His new album will be released in September and is called Perspectives. At 70, what topics do you have a completely different perspective on than before?

“Today I have a different perspective on many things than before, for example the view of my own life and how you should shape it. Regarding the topic of health and its security, I did not look so closely. In the past.

More interesting stories about Roland Kaiser can be found here:

Roland Kaiser: Enjoy “Kaisermania” live on TV

Roland Kaiser is back on the road as a pilot

Can you guess how many different clothes you have worn in your life?

“I have been on stage for 48 years and I have used a lot of suits. My wife and I recently organized our dressing room and I found a lot of suits and then I said goodbye. I opened a shop that sells such things but donates its proceeds to social welfare and social organizations. I think it would be a good solution to send things like that later.”

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