Home Economy Rewe, Lidl, Aldi.: Copper Nets for Deposit Scammers in Unloading Machines

Rewe, Lidl, Aldi.: Copper Nets for Deposit Scammers in Unloading Machines

Rewe, Lidl, Aldi.: Copper Nets for Deposit Scammers in Unloading Machines

Rewe, Lidl, Aldi and Co.: The Rude Networks of Deposit Scammers on Dump Machines

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Cheap Shopping: 10 Tips to Save Money in the Supermarket

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Really cool, what a bad scam, and rude cheaters Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Edeka and Kaufland Want to rip off! But the supermarkets know how to defend themselves…

Moreover Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland And his associates are not immune to thefts. People especially like to cheat on the deposit machine. In the supermarket “Chip.de” unpacking. They talk about the cunning methods used by criminals. But supermarkets are now taking action against these followers.

Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Kaufland, Edeka and Co.: Supermarkets know how to defend themselves against fraudsters

A very rude trick is at the top of the list: scammers tie a deposit bottle to a fishing line. Then you put it in the machine and as soon as the machine reads the bottle, you pull it out again. If you do this several times, you can add a small amount of money.

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But Rewe, Aldi and Co now know how to stand up to this shameless ploy. Many devices now recognize when a bottle has been drawn again – and set off the alarm. However, it is rarely reported. Perpetrators flee very quickly, says the treasurer.


This is Rewe:

  • Rewe was founded in Cologne in 1927
  • At that time, 17 purchasing cooperatives have joined
  • The name is derived from “Revisionsverband der Westkauf-Genossenschaften”
  • There are about 3,300 Rewe branches (as of 2020)


Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Kaufland, Edeka and Co.: Deposit scammers with rude tricks

Another common scam according to “Chip“: Copy the German Deposit System (DPG) logo and paste it as a label on bottles for which there is actually no deposit. For example, bottles of vinegar. Supermarkets and discount dealers have also responded to this. Most machines now not only check the deposit logo, but It also scans for something called an EAN token.


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Really bold what people can come up with for the money. (review)


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