Home Top News Protasevic’s girlfriend is apparently threatened with legal action in Belarus

Protasevic’s girlfriend is apparently threatened with legal action in Belarus

Protasevic’s girlfriend is apparently threatened with legal action in Belarus

Authorities in Belarus It appears not only has been targeting opposition journalist Roman Protaswich. After Protasevich landed, he was forced by the leadership of the authoritarian state Scheduled excursions in the capital Minsk is not just arrested for bloggers. His Russian girlfriend, Sophia Sabija, was also arrested.

Now, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the 23-year-old must fear the accusations in Belarus. According to the news agency that this “is related to the suspicion of violating many articles of the Belarusian criminal law between August and September 2020.” Reuters In a statement issued by the Moscow Foreign Ministry.

Citing Sabija’s father, TASS reported that Sabija’s assessment was initially extended to two months. Also, a tweet was made by Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tychanovskaya, referring to Sabija’s lawyer.

According to Reuters, Sabija’s mother is convinced her daughter was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She worries about her daughter’s health. “This of course is my biggest fear now,” Anna Dodic said accordingly. He will “persevere and resist” Sabija. Dodic added that her daughter “is definitely not guilty of anything.”

Sabega is already studying in Vilnius. When a Belarusian fighter jet intercepted her Ryanair and ordered to land in Minsk, it was on its way to the Lithuanian capital. She had previously met Protasevi in Greece Stop by and it looks like he’s also gone on vacation there.

Advisor Angela Merkel Again in the late afternoon Demand the immediate release of Protasevic and Sabega. A video tape of the journalist, which has since emerged, classified Merkel as “disturbing and shocking.” The confession led to suspicion that Protasevi had been forced to confess by force.

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Lachit talks about “state terrorism”

In addition to several German politicians, Christian Democratic Union leader and candidate for Chancellor Armin Laschet called for swift sanctions against Belarus. “The sanctions that have been passed are a first step in the right direction,” the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia said on Tuesday after a phone call with Tychhanovskaya.

Speaking of “state terrorism,” Lachette said the operation was a “one-time violation of international law” and international air traffic.

Great Britain tightened measures

As announced in the evening Great Britain Launched a campaign on aircraft from Belarus. “With immediate effect, Belarusian airlines will be banned from entering British airspace unless explicitly authorized,” Transport Secretary Grant Shaps wrote on Twitter.

Also the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau Condemned the actions of the authorities in Belarus. “The behavior of the Belarusian regime is outrageous, illegal, and totally unacceptable,” Trudeau said. The first is to examine more sanctions against the country. A little later, according to Reuters, Belarus announced that the embassy is in Canada To close from the first of September.


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