Police cleared the road with water cannons

Police cleared the road with water cannons

Extinction Rebellion blocked a motorway near the seat of parliament and government in The Hague. The police acted strictly during the eviction process.

Police transport Extinction Rebellion activists.

Police transport Extinction Rebellion activists.Phil Neguise / Dr

The HagueDutch police have arrested 1,579 people at a demonstration organized by climate activists in The Hague. For the seventh time, they closed a section of the A12 motorway not far from the seat of parliament and government in the Netherlands.

According to the Extinction Rebellion group, the action was meant to protest government energy policy. According to estimates, more than 3,000 people have followed the call to participate.

According to the police, hundreds of protesters were removed from the street and transferred to waiting buses. Some had chained themselves. According to the APS, the police used water cannons to prevent protesters from blocking the highway. Officials intervened earlier than in previous upheavals of Extinction Rebellion. The Hague city administration had previously warned protesters not to block the motorway.

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