Home Top News Paralympics: Three weeks after surgery: Brachtendorf gets bronze in time trial

Paralympics: Three weeks after surgery: Brachtendorf gets bronze in time trial

Paralympics: Three weeks after surgery: Brachtendorf gets bronze in time trial

Aoyama (dpa) – 19 days after a vascular procedure, cyclist Kirsten Brachtendorf surprisingly won a bronze medal in the time test at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

For the 49-year-old, who drives her ankle immobile, the medal on the former Formula 1 track at the foot of Mount Fuji was her first medal at her third Paralympic Games.

The Cottbus woman said: “I left training camp three weeks ago and went straight to the operating room. Everything was canceled in my head. Now I’m standing here with a medal. It’s unbelievable. I can’t believe it. It was, after all, a blockage of the pelvic substance. the interior, and not just a torn or torn ligament.” The Brachentendorf stent was inserted.

Meanwhile, Dennis Schindler was disappointed after taking a bronze medal in the time test on the track with a ninth place in her class. In her hometown of Chemnitz, the two-year-old from Munich said she slipped under a tram on an icy road and lost a leg. But in driving on the road on Friday, the goal is the medal.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210831-99-29992 / 5 (dpa)

Brachtendorf profile

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