Most bacteria are found in these four places in the home

Most bacteria are found in these four places in the home

Germ Danger Most bacteria reside in 4 places in the home

1. On kitchen sponges and floor mats

The sink, or to be more precise kitchen sponges and floor mats, is the place most vulnerable to germs in our home. Hard to believe, but true: it can be contaminated with more dangerous bacteria than our toilet. The main reason for this is that sponges and rags are always damp and come into contact with food scraps, which makes them an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and germs. If the cloths are not replaced regularly, they may spread pathogens and the like throughout the kitchen when wiping. To counteract the risk of germs, dishwashing sponges should only be used for rinsing, and replaced and cleaning rags weekly.

2. In the toothbrush cup

Another underappreciated germ paradise is the toothbrush cup! The reason: most people rarely clean it. This is why bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, love to curl up in a toothbrush cup—even in those who brush their teeth well. Because some water always drips into the container. Flushing the toilet with an open lid can also allow bacteria to reach the sink. The following also applies here: Be sure to clean the toothbrush cup regularly and thoroughly.

3. The refrigerator

The place where we keep various delicacies cannot be particularly contaminated with germs, right? In fact, the refrigerator is one of the places in our home where there are a large number of bacteria. In one study, researchers at the University of Arizona found 11.4 million germs per square centimeter of refrigerator. Other research has found that there are more germs in the refrigerator than in the toilet seat. Therefore, regular cleaning of the refrigerator is very important to counteract bacteria – and the best way to clean it is with vinegar water, which has an antibacterial effect.

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4. On a cutting board

In order to chop vegetables, meat and other ingredients, practical cutting boards should not be missing in the kitchen. However, what very few people know: Slates are real germ slingshots. Pathogens can easily settle especially in small cuts and furrows. It does not matter whether you use a board made of wood or plastic. So: In order to kill bacteria and germs as best as possible, hot plates should be cleaned as often as possible – especially if you’ve worked with raw meat. The plates in the dishwasher must be cleaned at least 60 degrees. Also use different plates for different foods, such as a separate plate for meat and vegetables.


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