Home Tech ‘MontanaBlack’: Germany’s largest broadcaster is pulling out at the moment – people

‘MontanaBlack’: Germany’s largest broadcaster is pulling out at the moment – people

‘MontanaBlack’: Germany’s largest broadcaster is pulling out at the moment – people

Marcel Ayres aka “Montana Black” (33) is Germany’s live broadcasting king. More than four million people follow the gaming star on the live platform Twitch, nearly three million on YouTube and 3.1 million on Instagram.

The Buxtehude broadcast star has now announced his temporary withdrawal: Currently, it will not be broadcast and will not appear publicly anymore, Eris announced on Twitter Saturday night.

He has “probably reached the lowest point in his life”, “physically and mentally”. “Some things happened off the internet.” At the moment it is not known when or how he will return.

“Monty”, as his fans call him, has already attracted attention in the past week due to his lack of activity. Most recently, it began broadcasting on February 13 – an unusually long break.

Podcast partner Simon Unge (31, over 3 million YouTube subscribers) confirmed TwitterAt the moment, there will be no new episodes of Chatwhistle. “All the best Monty, so no podcast until you get better,” Unge says.

Montana Black has faced a lot of criticism lately. Among other things, it was about his announcement of NFTs. A few weeks ago he upgraded an NFT that showed a monkey with a swastika. And a few days ago, he was promoting a code that might be part of a scam.

What is NFT actually?

NFT is a type of digital proof of authenticity and ownership. For example, a video is recorded on the blockchain. For this purpose, owners as well as purchases and sales are entered. This gives the NFT a unique digital signature, even if the underlying work can be reproduced millions of times. However, NFT is unique and can be traded through certification.

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The NFT blockchain is free to access. This allows the official owners of digital artworks to freely and openly show off their ownership.

In September 2021, Eris made headlines after his home was broken into. At that time, apparently, the perpetrator entered the operator’s house through a window and stole games and video equipment worth 100 thousand euros.


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